CIRNow History
CIRNow is a Political Blog and Information Resource
Created and led by Mike Holt, this blog provides information about our political system and our fight to reform it and put the power into the hands of We the People to manage our own destiny. This is our history.
Mike was born in the UK in 1947 and immigrated to Australia with his family in the mid-1950’s. His father had served in the RAF during WW2 and then he transferred to the RAAF under the Australian immigration plan. On arrival they lived in Brisbane in a suburb where many New Australians, as they were called then, were settling into their new land.
Mike went to the local primary school. In 1960 the family moved to Victoria where the RAAF had transferred his father. They didn’t stay long, as the RAAF transferred the family to Malaysia, where Mike continued his secondary education.
When the family returned to Australia in 1963 Mike completed his education and joined the RAAF as well, where he trained as a Telegraphist. The training he received was to have a profound effect on the rest of his life, as he learned speed typing and other communications skills. He graduated as one of just five out of the original 35 trainees who started the course. Two of the men in the picture on the right dropped out before the end of the course.
In 1967 Mike was posted to Ubon, NE Thailand, during Operation Rolling Thunder, the largest continuous bombing assault ever. The RAAF base was attached to the outer perimeter of the USAF base. They lived in tin huts which were like ovens in the scorching tropical sun. They had no air-conditioning, just small fans fitted to the open ceiling beams which merely moved the hot air around.
Their ears were assailed with the thunderous roar of flights of F4C Phantom jets taking off every 10 to 20 minutes to fly over to bomb North Vietnam, 24 hours a day.
Six months later, Mike returned home, and served out the rest of his 6 year contract.
After leaving the RAAF in 1970 Mike traveled around much of Australia before deciding to travel overland to the UK for a visit. He got as far as Thailand, where he was offered a job in a publishing company. After some consideration, Mike decided to accept the offer, intending to stay just twelve months before resuming his travels. But things didn’t turn out as he expected. During that year he met and married a Thai woman, settled down and started a business, the first of four businesses he eventually ran there.
Thirty years and a second marriage later Mike sold up his businesses and returned home to Australia.
By then, he had lived through five coups and he could see that the volatile political situation in Thailand was only going to get worse. As he was not a citizen of Thailand he had no political say in anything that happened. This influenced his decision to leave. But once more life served up a surprise for Mike when he returned home. Soon after arriving, Gillard knifed Rudd in the back to take over the Prime Minister’s position.
Mike recognized a coup when he saw one. He realized that there was something terribly wrong with our political system. But this time he was able to decide to do something about it as a private citizen. He wanted to do something for his nation so that we would not descend into the chaos and corruption he had witnessed in Thailand. He started looking around for a way to change the way the government of Australia works.
CIRNow – The Beginning
After checking out the aims of the various political activist groups he met Lt Col (Ret) Charles Mollison, Chairman of the Foundation for National Renewal (FNR). Charles had spent twelve years working with a group of about 100 Australians to write a Draft Constitution for Australia. Mike offered to help Charles, and they began promoting the Draft Constitution. It soon became apparent that the only way political change could come about was for them to form an arm of the FNR to seek to amend Section 128 of the Constitution so that We the People would have the power to amend our Constitution through democratic binding referendums.
They discussed a name for the new arm of the FNR and called it RestoreAustralia. Mike was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of the group and Charles became his mentor.
Mike worked mainly on Facebook, Twitter and through the RestoreAustralia website to raise political awareness and the need for change.
We teamed up with various political groups that were also working to change the government system and stop the islamization of Australia. RestoreAustralia actively supported the Stop the Mosque in Bendigo campaign by raising donations for the group fighting the mosque application there.
Meanwhile, Charles drove a truck around Bendigo broadcasting a message to alert the citizens about the need to stop the mosque application. He made the news and helped raise awareness among the citizens of Bendigo….and in fact around Australia. Despite the many battles patriots have fought against this mosque we still have not been able to stop it. However, the fight continues.
Mike also drove a similar truck around the Gold Coast to help stop the Currumbin mosque Development Application. Currumbin citizens held rallies and lobbied the city councilors and as a result of the combined efforts of patriotic Australians the mosque application was rejected.
RestoreAustralia also supported Reclaim Australia rallies. Mike was invited to speak at the Newcastle, Canberra and Melbourne rallies. He organized protest rallies outside the Maroochydore, Sunshine Coast, mosque, and he also organized the Reclaim Australia rally in Brisbane, November 2015.
To help reach more Australians RestoreAustralia organised the RestoreAustralia Street Rep group by signing up people willing to distribute flyers to letter boxes in their street. The Street Reps helped distribute over 120,000 flyers so far to letter boxes warning Australians about the halal scam.
Throughout this work Mike discussed with Charles ways to bring about their aim to amend the Constitution to bring in CIR. Mike ran in the 2013 election as a One Nation candidate for the seat of Fairfax. Even though he failed to get elected he gained valuable experience in the electoral process and made many good contacts as a result.
After that, Charles and Mike supported Senator John Madigan’s attempt to submit a Bill to the Senate, but the Bill was rejected by the Senate Petitions Group. However, the rejection included suggestions for changing the Bill to make it acceptable to submit to the Senate. We were glad that it was rejected but the Senator’s Bill never went far enough and it would not have given all Australians the freedom to initiate referendums without first overcoming huge hurdles that the political parties would put in front of them.
Mike continued to build up awareness of the need for political change. As word spread around the internet more people joined RestoreAustralia. By the time the 2015 election was due Mike thought that the only way to submit a Bill to Parliament was to stand for election himself, or to help others who also support CIR get elected. Mike decided to put himself up as a candidate. Charles disagreed with this strategy and they parted ways.
After the split with Charles Mollison Mike changed the name of the group and the website to Advance Australia. He published a 5-Point Plan that, if implemented, will revolutionize the political landscape of Australia to create a much better future for all.
Rather than reacting to circumstances, as Australian governments have traditionally behaved, Advance Australia, and this website, are creating awareness of the need for change. We are providing leadership to implement changes that will allow the people of Australia to have a say in government. Through Citizens Initiated Referendums we aim to restore Australia’s sovereignty, rebuild our economy, strengthen our defense capabilities, and create a healthier, happier, more prosperous future for every Aussie citizen.
Our proposals include putting the power into the hands of the People of the Commonwealth of Australia to start referendums, changing electoral boundaries to create smaller electorates, eliminate State governments and substitute smaller, more inclusive regional governments composed of independent citizen representatives instead, and from there initiate a series of carefully considered referendums to bring about gradual change to our Constitution.
We believe that a Constitution, as the supreme law of the land, must be a dynamic document that changes at the Will of the People to keep pace with changes to our political and social needs so that our government can respond to international events to protect citizens. We have provided a way for all Australians who are worried about the future of our nation to get involved by signing and gathering signatures on a My WIll Letter.
The changes we envision will restore our freedoms and create a strong, independent sovereign nation. We can only achieve this if every citizen has the right to initiate a referendum….bringing in Citizens Initiated Referendums (CIR) is our first and most important core goal.
In August 2016 we set up this website, as a Blog to publish articles that help educate Australians and indeed patriots around the world learn the truth about the political party crimes and treason being committed against us every day. It has become a go-to resource for many people. Thank you for reading.
Information to Restore the Constitution
There is a general feeling around Australia that there is something “not quite right” with our government. It’s difficult to put your finger on specifically what is wrong — unless you know where to look. This article explains just what went wrong, and how ‘they’ did it. By ‘they’ I […]
How the Political Parties stole our Future
Lock Down = TreasonForced Mask Wearing = TreasonForced Vaccinations = Treason WHEREAS the people voted to stay as a Constitutional Monarchy in the Referendum 1999. By the Treasonous Political Parties, not listening to the people, all (COAG) have enforced Treason upon themselves. This is what our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution […]
1946 Referendum Denied Government power to medically test
Police visit on March 21, 2019 at 3pm to try and scare me for having an opinion…they didn’t stay long. As you can see in the video, I told them I have a right to Freedom of Speech and to bugger off! Here is the Video: They did…they buggered off! […]
Your Rights and the Police
Criminals in Government How the Queensland Government Destroyed our Democracy If you love our nation and want the best for the future of our children and their descendants take the time to watch this video FIRST. We have listed the references below with comments about how the laws have been […]
Criminals in Government
Despite thousands of Queenslanders signing a petition asking Yvette Death (yes, I know) to stop imposing all the Covid restrictions, she blindly continues them. She ignores the 1946 Referendum to amend Section 51 to allow the government to provide medical services, but not so as to force us, which was […]
Response from Yvette Death – QLD Health Minister
Money: One of the advantages of being older is that there is time to search out opinions and intelligence reports from the worldwide web. Here is what has been gleaned this week . A fellow from Pennsylvania called Phil Godlewski, has made two very interesting reports this week. One while […]
From the Desk of John Grey
By John Grey We now know why the Federal Court of Australia and High Court are not delivering justice to the people of Australia. They are not Commonwealth Crown courts. They are simply private, highly paid sinecures of the Australian Government that has been acting without authority since at least […]
Now We Know
Townsville, North Queensland, October 11, 2021 Townsville, North Queensland, October 11, 2021, RE: ‘TOOLAKEA BEACHFRONT ASBESTOS CONTAMINATION SCANDAL’ – JEPSON COURT DECISION ON THIS THREATENS TO EXPOSE SIGNIFICANT CRIME AND CORRUPTION BEHIND RELATED TCC-CHINESE LANDMARK BILLION DOLLAR DEVELOPMENT SECRET DEALS An ongoing TRRA investigation has produced extensive evidence of apparent ‘crime and […]
The Great Betrayal – Part 2
Global Economic Security and Reformation Act People in the United States of America are whooping and hollering as they do over there. Dr Charlie Ward and his merrie men are smiling like Cheshire Cats, Simon Parkes is grinning from ear to ear. Shari Raye is spreading the word, and hundreds if […]
Everything you need to know about Gesara
The political party corporate governments and their courts are all morally and financially corrupt. This letter from John Grey* explains: Monica Smit spent 21 days in Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second’s accommodation in Victoria. The State of Victoria now owes her $2,771,000 for each day she spent in involuntary […]
The Government and Courts are Bankrupt
Background On September 20, 2021 I, Michael Thomas Holt, a Vietnam veteran, a sworn Commonwealth Public Official and a Common Law Sheriff, filed a case in the Federal Court (Brisbane) against the entity Queensland. This is allowed under the law, as an entity can be charged with any offences it […]
Federal Court Refuses to Obey the Law!
The government is stealing our personal data every time you scan into their Covid QR code. This information is stored in a database operated by the government. We don’t know who has access to that data, or what happens to it. We have already seen that the government is incapable […]
Generate a Fake Covid QR Tick
We have been hearing reports for years now that governments have been using electromagnetic technology to alter our brain wave patterns and put thoughts into our heads. Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it? But we have just received the following report that proves this technology is being used, not only […]
How they alter our brain waves
Reading between the lines in the text of the letter below, it is clear that many staff are only agreeing to be Jabbed because they want to get back to work. Complying with the ‘Health Order’ seems to be the only way open to them. This is pure coercion! It […]
A Letter to Private Club Professionals
Nextdoor is a new social media platform. Recently, someone calling himself Tony S. of Nambour posted the following: I responded on 6 September, 2021, but my comment was deleted. So I decided to respond again. This was my response. Since the administrator or Tony S. (who I suspect is a […]
Response to Tony S. on Nextdoor Social Media
A Pre-Election Reflection By Kevin D. Annett A reporter asked me today why as a proponent of a Republic I am running from rather than for Canadian public office. I told him this story. Her name was Julie Selman. One soggy Vancouver morning after our Grade Nine math class she […]
Leaving the Playpen: What Limpy Lower Taught Me about Canada
571,830 Total Reports of adverse effects* * note: Only between 1-10% of adverse events are reported in VAERS BROKEN DOWN BY AGE 0 – 17 YEARS OLD: ︎21 Deaths ︎200 Life Threating ︎71 Permanently Disabled 18 – 29 YEARS OLD: ︎108 Deaths ︎726 Life Threating ︎919 Permanently Disabled 30 – 49 […]
The government is doing a great job of dividing the people; Vaxxed Vs UnVaxxed. Someone put this flyer in letterboxes somewhere in Australia (thank you to whoever you are). But one coward who was too scared to own up to his/her own stupidity scrawled the message you see on it, […]
The Anonymous Sheep
IF this is true, it’s a massive win for everyone on the planet. Gates is a megalomaniacal psycho and needs to be brought to justice. We publish this unverified report in the hope that it is true. If not, then at least we have put Gates and his other criminal […]
The Gates connection
This letter is a very strong notice to the fine issuing authority to drop the fine. It has been used successfully by some people. We make it available here for anyone to use, but with no guarantees. It may work for you, or not. If not, then we recommend you […]
Got a Fine? Send this letter
Despite the threats by the purported government to send the troops around to force us to take the death jab, the fact is, they cannot force anyone to have the jab. This defence policy states clearly that the military may not use force against the people. Download and read the […]
Defence Assistance to the Civil Community Policy
Signing in to any business with the QR code app is voluntary. You do not have to comply. Each state calls the Covid App by its own name, but the same Federal laws apply to them. If a business or venue tries to force you to sign in with the […]
Check In Qld Privacy Policy
Malcolm Roberts is lying through his teeth when he claims that the States have a legal right to mandate vaccines. He needs to read our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901… not the fake one that was copyrighted to the political party corporation registered in the USA. Listen to this […]
Malcolm Roberts the deceiver
We received the following report from a supporter. We cannot confirm or deny the credibility of these claims, but if they are true then the world is approaching a major shakeup. If/When Nesara/Gesara is fully implemented we will be able to start living the life we should have been. And […]
Nesara/Gesara being rolled out?
The WeRe Bank” RePay System” is to RePlace all Central Bank Controls and Money Supply Monopolisation by 2020 Visit the WeRe Bank website here: As we approach Autumn 2020, ReMovement, in association with WeRe Bank, is proud to introduce “The Lazarus Taxon”. Simply put this means the reintroduction of […]
Protect your financial future
Ever since 1960 when Sir WIlliam Slim resigned as the last Crown-appointed Governor General, Australia has been ruled by a cabal of self-serving, lying, thieving, criminal TRAITORS. They have lied to the people, stolen our riches, and what is even worse, they have destroyed our Future! Yet, these criminals have […]
Treason at the Highest Level
Advice from a Barrister on how to deal with vax demands from your employer or anyone else: Contact your doctor and book a Vaccine anxiety appointment. At this point you become a medical case as anxiety is a real issue. Then collect information about adverse effects and send that to […]
How to Stop the Jab
NEW QUEENSLAND BILL EXTENDS EMERGENCY POWERS TO 30 APRIL 2022 “IMPORTANT PLEASE SHARE” On 16 June 2021, right in the middle of ‘Budget Week’, the Minister for Health, Yvette D’Ath, tabled a new Bill extending the Public Health Emergency Response measures from 30 September 2021 to 30 April 2022. The […]
QLD: More Emergency Powers
We are hearing alarming reports from around the world that the injection governments and doctors are pushing on unsuspecting people are having unexpectedly high levels of adverse reactions, and even deaths. This video shows clearly that the government has no idea what it is doing. Why would any sane person […]
Questions for your Insurance Company
EXPLANATORY STATEMENT I am a former member of the High Court and I wish to take this unusual method of informing you about a matter that is going to deeply affect us all. Unfortunately, a document such as this is too easily “lost” in the bureaucratic jungle in which we […]
Copy of Letter from Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs
The Fire this Time: There is No Escaping OurselvesA Reflection on the Reported Arrest of Church Ministers By Kevin D. Annett It was business as usual that spring morning in 1943 at the Nazi death camp of Treblinka. The cattle cars methodically unloaded the latest batch of men, women and […]
An Inspiring Message from Kevin Annett
Jacques Attali was an advisor to François Mitterrand (former President of France) and wrote this in 1981: “In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old man, because once he is over 60-65 years old, man […]
The Selection of Idiots
If you are awake to the massive crimes and TREASON being committed against us, We the People of the Commonwealth of Australia, please share this letter and ask everyone you know to sign and send it to Senator Birmingham. AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT Department of Finance Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham Australian Government […]
A Letter to Senator Simon Birmingham
Recently, an email went out to Veterans Groups around Australia to advise them about adhering to the unlawful and unconstitutional covid restrictions on ANZAC day, the most sacred day we observe to honour our living and fallen soldiers who fought for our freedoms. It was a disgusting display of grovelling […]
An Open Letter to ANZAC Day Organizers
Best WhatsApp alternatives that respect your privacy Posted on February 15, 2021 by Douglas Crawford News that WhatsApp has been sharing large amounts of highly personal data with Facebook since 2016 has led a large number of unhappy users to look for an alternative messaging app that genuinely respects their privacy. At Proton, we view […]
The best alternatives to Whatsapp
No matter where you look every time the purported corona virus “pandemic” appears in the news, the names “Soros”, “Clinton” and “Gates” invariable surface as well. Each of these criminals is involved in pushing their “cures” for a purported virus that not one researcher has been able to prove even […]
The Coronavirus – Follow the Money
This letter was sent by email to Monika Smit on 23 February, 2021 after Monika spoke at the Melbourne “Millions March” rally. Hi Monica, I applaud your amazing and passionate speech at the latest rally. It was inspiring to see your determination. And I loved that you pushed that bloody politician […]
An Open Letter to Monika Smit of Reignite Democracy
On November 12, 2020, Dezi Freeman appeared before a recalcitrant magistrate and four policemen who continuously tried to break the law by proceeding with a case they had no right to continue. As a result, Dezi arrested the magistrate and all four policement who were asked to carry out the […]
Dezi Freeman lawfully arrests a whole court
On the Trail of Canada’s Biggest Cover Up Canada’s home-grown Genocide and how its awful truth was surfaced, and then buried againby Sarah J. Webster – Special to Preamble: A Personal Note from the Author In writing this piece I’ve done something unusual for me, and that is to […]
Erasing the Erasure – Kevin Annett’s Story
This video contains very important information that helps us make sense of the madness behind the Covid 19 pandemic. It explains why the political party corporate governments are separating us from human contact, and forcing us to hide our faces. Humans are social animals, and we cannot live normally without […]
The New Communitarianism
If you have any sort of disability, you are not required to submit to any Covid restrictions. You do not have to sign in to a public place providing any sort of business services. You do not have to comply to a police directive to wear a mask. You cannot […]
Mask Exemption Download
What is Motu Proprio On the Jurisdiction of Judicial Authorities of Vatican City State in Criminal Matters Update January 12, 2021: It appears that the Vatican has been surrounded and the Pope arrested. However, these reports are unconfirmed. A Motu Proprio is the name given to certain papal rescripts on […]
Motu Proprio – The Pope’s Decree
Section 94H of the Privacy Act 1988 94H Requiring the use of COVIDSafe A person commits an offence if the person requires another person to: download COVIDSafe to a communication device; or have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or consent to uploading COVID app data from a communication […]
Requiring the use of COVIDSafe
This article was first published on Monday, March 10, 2014, but it’s too important to let it fade into the past. Hello, I’m an ex copper now out of the force for 2 years and I can tell you I’m prepared to go to jail for the crimes I did to […]
Ex Victorian Police officer comments on Fines
If you have not seen this coming then you have been sleepwalking throughout the Plandemic. Open your eyes, read the following and then DO something about it! Source: 18, 2020Author Darren This came out of Canada Dear REMOVED, I want to provide you some very important information. I’m a […]
Constitution Watch Leaked email from Canada
Lock Down = Treason What is Treason? Treason has been variously described as ‘the most heinous of all crimes’, an offence of ‘unparalleled gravity’; and ‘the gravest crime in the whole calendar of crime’. ‘Treason . . . is the betrayal of a trust, and the current law holds this […]
The Lockdown = TREASON
Conducting a Street Rally sounds like a good idea at first, but we have seen proof that rallies are rarely successful. There is no focus, no call to action or resolution at the end of a rally. People merely get together in a show of numbers, but without an objective […]
Why rally when you can convene a common law court?
LAWFUL REBELLION – OUR DUTY When a government no longer serves the will of the people, it is the right and the duty of the people of that nation to lawfully rebel to set their government right and ensure the safety and future of their nation. On the 10th of […]
How to Lawfully Rebel & Why
Have you ever wondered why a Magistrate or Judge runs out of the Court Room, as this magistrate did at Noosa Court? This is what will happen when, after the Judge asks you to identify yourself, you first utter the words, “Your Honor I am a living being. The flesh […]
What to say when a judge leaves the court
This is a list of the 19 Referendums members of the Commonwealth of Australia have voted in since 1901. Of the 44 questions asked, we have only approved 8 questions. Any amendment to the Constitution voted on and approved in a referendum is binding on all Federal and State […]
List of All Australian Referendums
Don’t Be Fooled into an argument about which crown we should be using! The British Monarchy uses several crowns, depending on the occasion and the whim of the Monarch. So, let’s make this very clear from the outset. All the arguments about which is the correct crown are a waste […]
Which Crown is right?
This article is the first in a series we are presenting to the Australian people to expose how badly we, the People of the Common-Wealth of Australia have been deceived and robbed by the political party traitors who rule over us. If you haven’t read our Constitution, which is still […]
Where is the Money? — GOLD!
Facebook has banned any videos uploaded to Brighteon, so the only way to alert you to this is to publish their announcement here, and then link it to an image on facebook. Facebook and youtube are all run by the CIA/Illuminati anyway, so I bet they take this post down. […]
Defending Freedom of Speech
“Maybe they’re finally getting rid of us”: Two Seconds to Midnight in the Downtown East Sideby Kevin D. Annett How long before we see the same here in Australia? The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) has taken a more aggressive approach than other federal departments to the global pandemic (sic) … As the force […]
Canada Today – Invaded by Chinese Troops
This article was originally published on the Vietnam Veterans Sunshine Coast website, but apparently politics are an anathema to them. I was ordered to delete it from their website. Can’t figure that one out. We were sent to war by politicians. We have been screwed by politicians, but the boys […]
We have betrayed their memory
The document linked to here is for sharing with others.Everyone who has had a bank dispute / been sold up / or been acted on by a bank could be assisted with this info. Leon Ashby, M: 0435 423 636. E: leonnashby@gmail.comRita Mazalevskis, M: 0448 843 080 E: mmelb@gmail.comLewis Tomcsanyi, M: 0419 […]
Leon Ashby challenges the banks to refute his allegations
This article is the first in a series we are presenting to the Australian people to expose how badly we, the People of the Common-Wealth of Australia have been deceived and robbed by the political party traitors who rule over us. View the Video here: If you haven’t read our […]
Where is the Money? — Part 1 — GOLD!
This page is for preserving videos and video podcasts we believe are important for everyone to view Common Sense Perspective on Viruses We have seen a lot of hype and hysteria about the Corona Virus plandemic… but how true is it? This German doctor brings a common sense, medical perspective […]
Videos worth watching
These are black and white facts. A Challenge to Anne TwomeyAdjunct Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sydney Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of New South Wales Legal Advisor to the Victoria High Court in Melbourne. Therefore you, Anne Twomey, with your qualifications, cannot plead Ignorance of the law […]
Challenge to Professor Anne Twomey et al.
Whenever we think about how the United States came into being, most of us think of civil militias fighting guerrilla battles against the British. But the reality is much more interesting. The American Revolutionary War wasn’t won with guns. It was won with ideas. Even though the revolution was started […]
How the Americans Won Independence from the Brits
“It is the duty of the Common Law Grand Jury to expose all fraud and corruption, whether it is in the political or judicial realm, and stop it!” The history of the Grand Jury is found in our English Common Law; a body of judicial decisions stretching back centuries. It […]
Common Law Grand Jury Duties
How and when did the Church of England in Australia become the Anglican Church? Before answering this question, we all need to comprehend that there are now two systems of law in Australia: Our English Common Law; and the political parties’ Australian Common Law which is actually based on Admiralty […]
The Anglican Church is a Corporation exempt from Tax
In 1974 and 1988 Australians voted in referendums that asked if we would like to approve Local Government. There was a resounding NO to both referendums. To circumvent the Will of the People, State Governments brought in state Acts authorizing local councils as a third tier of government. They completely […]
Councils have no Authority to charge Rates
This is the start of a series of articles that examine and explain the Constitution to help people understand what it is and why it is so important. If you haven’t already read it, click here to download it. Before we discuss the Constitution, we should first understand what the […]
The Constitution Explained
After reading this document you will be scratching your head in wonder, anger, and confusion…but that is par for the course when dealing with the Queensland government. Click here to download and read this “explanation”: Synopsis of the Queensland Environmental Legal System Dr Chris McGrath starts off by explaining in […]
How the UN Controls Queensland’s Environmental Laws
QUEENSLAND This is the corporate seal of Queensland Incorporated. It does not represent the lawful entity, State of Queensland. by Jim O’Toole The Queensland Labor Party Inc has made a rod for its back by introducing the Queensland Criminal Code (Child Sexual Offences Reform) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2019. […]
ALP introduces Child Sexual Offences Reform
No matter how any political party tries to justify its existence, treason is still treason. During recent podcasts, The Bloody Aussie Battler asked Rod Culleton and Darryl O’Bryan why they are members of a political party, the Great Australia Party (GAP), trying to get elected to the corporate Parliament. As […]
Treason is Treason
Are chemtrails a conspiracy theory or reality? We have asked this question many times over the years. But as we have seen growing evidence that they are real, and having seen pictures sent to us by ex-USAF flight crew members, and having seen Agent Orange being used in 1967 when […]
Proof Australia is being blanketed with Chemtrails
People ask how you can lawfully rebel. Our fishermen are showing the way. We are not lawfully bound by unlawful legislation. We do not have to obey it. All we have to do is stand strong to defend our rights and we pull the fangs right out of the unlawful […]
Queensland Commercial Fishermen are Lawfully Rebelling
If we are going to get our country back to Commonwealth of Australia Constitutional government we are going to need the police on side. The first step in this process must be to alert them that they are serving the wrong masters, under a false Oath. We are asking all […]
Letter to Chief of AFP about their Oath
~ An article supplied by the Townsville Residents & Ratepayers Association NORTHERN AUSTRALIA AS THE REAL or MAIN TARGET OF THE ‘FOREIGN TAKEOVER’ PLAN IDENTIFIED BY ASIO? How greed, corruption and ‘foreign influence’ plans are all behind the Townsville Enterprise Limited (TEL) -TSV Council secret deals with Rimbanun Hijau and […]
The Great Betrayal
Click here to Download and read this Queensland Government Gazette and scroll down to Page 12, headed: Acquisition of Land Act 1967Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994Transport Infrastructure Act 1994AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 1244) 2007 These Acts were amended using the infamous Reprints Act legislation initiated by Wayne […]
How Peter Beattie Stole Queensland’s Land
They say that two things in life are sure : Death and Taxes But what if that is not true? What if there is a higher law than the laws that impose taxation on us, whether we like it or not? Watch a simple explanation for how Common Law works […]
What is Common Law?
The government recently announced that they are banning us from sending secret messages, or even using encryption software to keep our information confidential. As usual, the politicians show that they do not understand how computers and the internet work. It is simply impossible for them to limit our right to […]
Encrypt your messages
The following is just one of many letters we get that demonstrate Aussies are fed up with the Corporate political party dictatorship. Before you read this article, watch this video to learn how we have been enslaved under UCC rules: Before acting to resist the dictatorship make sure you know […]
Can You be Compelled to Pay Fines?
The manuscript below was delivered by mistake stuck in a second hand IBM copier delivered to the offices of Delamer Duverus. After reading it he decided to send 100 copies of it to individuals around the world in top level positions. They felt that it was so important to alert […]
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Homeland Security Agrees Does using a proper name style REALLY matter? When you get a bill, an ID card, a tax bill, or whatever… they use all caps NAMES, or a modification of your (or their) name, such as using a Middle initial, or a fist and last name only…rarely […]
Why name styles matter
By DAVID ROBINSON·MONDAY, JULY 7, 2014 LAWFUL DISSENT STEP BY STEP PROCESS. 1). Send an oath of allegiance to one of the barons committee. Here’s one we made earlier: EDIT: 18/07/2019. We were asking members to send an Oath of allegiance to one of the barons…not necessary to do that […]
Step-by-Step Process to enter into Lawful Rebellion
Around Australia there are many good people working together to help everyone understand how the political party corporate government has taken HM Queen Elizabeth the Second (of the UK) out of the Constitution, resulting in a lawless government. Around Australia there are many good people working together to help everyone […]
Charge Sheet & Summons
This video recorded by Jeremy Lee in Brisbane in 1991 exposes the plans for the New World Order. Produced more than 30 years ago and yet almost no one listened!! Our politicians, especially political party leaders, are exposed in this video of committing massive TREASON! Every political party, whether they […]
The NWO exposed in 1991
During a search of the South Australian Parliament Library for all Letters Patent issued since 1900, we came across this document published in the Gazette on 6 March 1986, which appears to revoke all Letters Patent. Therefore, South Australia no longer has a Governor, and it certainly does not have […]
Letters Patent SA Revoked
Reference: The AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT and all its ministries, departments and councils are registered as a Corporation in the USA. Therefore, none of them have any authority or power over We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia living under our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 and Common Law. […]
The Corporations Act 1990 Qld
A Commonwealth Public Official (CPO) is a peace officer. Their job is to keep the peace, and to do no harm to anyone. The procedure to become a CPO is straightforward. Follow the instructions below. As you can see, you need to know and understand the Magna Carta, the English […]
How to become a CPO
A brief history of Australia’s tax system By Sam Reinhardt and Lee Steel1 ( This paper was presented to the 22nd APEC Finance Ministers’ Technical Working Group Meeting in Khanh Hoa, Vietnam, on 15 June 2006. It provides an overview of Australian taxation history, identifying trends and discussing key reforms to Australia’s tax […]
Taxation History
ELECTION FRAUD IN AUSTRALIA ALL ELECTORS IN AUSTRALIA AND ALL AUSTRALIANS ARE VICTIMS OF THE FRAUD OF THE AUSTRALIA ACT 1986 The following 10 facts of Fraud of the Australia Act 1986 have not been rebutted and therefore they remain facts. These material facts show that Australian Law emanating from […]
Australia Act Fraud Detailed
NOTE: We recommend that you print out the following and keep a copy in your car or on your person at all times. If you spot a policeman acting inappropriately, you should hand them a copy of this article to inform them that you know the law and that they […]
Police Behaviour in Public
The following is another letter received from Phil Galea who, three years after his arrest, is still being kept in a solitary confinement cell, and still has not been given his legal right under the law to a trial before a jury of his peers. Despite this, Phil has maintained […]
Another Letter from Phil Galea
This really is the video they don’t want you to see. We posted it on our Facebook page on June 9, 2019 at 10.03pm. By June 11 it was deleted. So when a subscriber sent a link to the new upload we downloaded it to post here where “they” can’t […]
The True Illuminati Story
Wangaratta magistrate Ian Watkins was arrested last Friday during a civil hearing he was presiding over in the Wangaratta magistrates court. From Alpine Regional News Facebook page This is welcome news indeed, as the Magistrate has been arrested under our true Constitutional laws…for trying to uphold the corrupt political party […]
Wangaratta magistrate arrested
On the 2nd February 1960 the Political Parties covered the Signet with the Royal Great Seal of the Commonwealth of Australia. By covering the Signet the political parties removed Crown Authority. By removing Crown Authority they have removed the People from the nation, and by doing so they have no […]
Where is the Governor General?
What is a Caveat? Let’s say you are a bit slow paying your water bill. The water company can put a caveat on your property so that you can’t trade or sell it. Once they slap a caveat on your property you can’t do anything about it until you go […]
Caveat Removal
This is the text of The Bloody Aussie Battler Podcast. Click on the link to listen. Discussion about religion and politics has been carefully demonized in the west. So much so that most people today either roll their eyes or refuse to answer any time someone brings up either topic. […]
Fear and Politics
In 1986, we are told, Australia became a Signatory to the Lima Declaration. Ever since then all governments have been implementing it. But by whose Authority? Not one Australian ever voted in a referendum to approve this fundamental change to our Constitutional arrangements. Yet, the only way the Commonwealth of […]
Who Signed the Lima Declaration?
The Deception Exposed After World War Two the western Allies presented us with a picture of Hitler as a mass murdering monster. But have you ever wondered who this “monster” really was? We have all seen Hitler speaking to massive crowds of Germans, but we rarely hear his speeches translated […]
What Hitler Really Said
On Monday, 12 September, 2016, Senator Rod Culleton stood up in the Senate and stated that it had come to his attention that there is a discrepancy between Section 33 of the High Court Act 1979 and the High Court Rules of 2004. Section 33 states: All writs, commissions and […]
Senator Rod Culleton’s Papers
As we have learned more about what the political party corporate government has been doing to deny our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act and Common Law, one of the biggest problems we face is what to do about the unlawful Local Councils…masquerading as “Local Government”. We have prepared a letter […]
Letter to your Council CEO
Police Powers and Responsibilities Act 2000 We provide these extracts from the Act as the most relevant to inform you of your rights and the responsibilities of the police when dealing with the public. Remember that this Act was passed by the corporate political party government that has no authority […]
Extracts from the Police Powers Act
AN APPEAL TO OUR BROTHER & SISTER VETERANS, SOLDIERS, SAILORS AND AIRMEN READ , COPY AND SHARE PLEASE By Vic Sturgeon Commonwealth Public Official (CPO) I just sent this to the defence force, let’s see if I get a reply. I am a lawful Sworn in Commonwealth Public Official (CPO) […]
An appeal to our military on behalf of the people …
In the Public Interest: Introduction: The notice below was posted on a Facebook page. We feel that this information is so important to help people understand why the Queensland police do nothing with many reports people attempt to submit to them, that we publish it here for all to read. […]
Queensland Police not serving the people
The following is very important. If this Act is passed in Victoria, no doubt the rest of the states will follow suit. Briefly, the Andrews Government has drafted the Local Government Act 2018 that has many draconian features about it. Reading the Bill indicates the following events will happen if the Bill […]
Andrews Government Betrays the People…again!
What is the real reason behind the departure of Senators Brandis and Parry, PM Turnbull and MP’s Downer and Bishop? Various reasons have been given such as wanting to spend more time with family, had enough of politics etc etc. But there is a much more sinister reason behind their […]
Why the Rats are Abandoning Ship
England is a Constitutional Monarchy NOT a Democracy. TREASON started in force in the early 1970s when the Political Parties of the Commonwealth of Nations removed Her Most Excellent Majesty by stealth. Canada, New Zealand and Australia are Constitutional Monarchy’s BUT like England, Political Parties in these Countries have taken […]
Australian Constitutional Freedoms
A committee of 25 Barons petitioned the Queen to invoke article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215 on March 23rd, 2001 in protest of the treasonous act of the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair in signing the Treaty of Nice, thus unlawfully causing the destruction of fundamental British liberties?. This was […]
An Official Declaration of Lawful Rebellion
It has come to my attention that I wrongly attributed the following article to Alan Lutherborrough’s Facebook page. The true author of the article is Max Clark of CAMPERDOWN. VICTORIA. He has written to claim authorship and I am happy to acknowledge his work. I, Mike Holt, have spoken to […]
Ramifications of the Culleton Case
Who voted against the farmers? List of ANTI-AUSTRALIAN MP’s who blocked Aid to farmers REMEMBER THIS ON VOTING DAY – These traitorous politicians failed Australians Red? Green? Globalist Fake Independent? NOT TRUE BLUE – Put them last!
Who voted against the farmers?
Answering the accusers
New post on High Court expulsion of Senator Culleton wrong at law – UK Supreme Court by Editor, cairnsnews Exclusive report by Jim O’Toole Culleton advised by UK Supreme Court his senate expulsion was wrong at law leaving the way open for other expelled senators to reclaim their seats […]
Senator Culleton Vindicated
Treason – the Death Penalty or Not? Treason has always been considered the most heinous and despicable crime of all. Anyone who betrays their country to the enemy can never be trusted, and it has been standard practice for many civilizations to execute anyone caught committing treason. However, ever since […]
Treason and the Death Penalty
After you have read this article, take a long hard look at Australian society today. Think about the points made in this article and ask yourself if you see any similarities. If you do, you have just discovered the root cause of the many problems we face today. Welcome to […]
Comparing Socialism and Capitalism
Introduction: Judge Anna Von Reitz is working with the New Republic, an organization with similar goals to Advance Australia; to bring about a government of the people, by the people, for the people. Clarification by Judge Anna von Reitz — What We Have Done I am not a legal counsel for the General (Dunford). […]
Judicial Notice of Fraud and Violation
Revolution is the act to change the form of government. The Crimes Act defines Treason and Treachery clearly. Even though the Political Parties have tried to ignore the Constitution and use their own corporate constitution, our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is still in force. We, the people of […]
Treason & Treachery Defined
DO YOU KNOW WHY WE FOUGHT IN VIETNAM? Of course, it’s all about the money, but how many of you know why we really sent our boys off to a war we didn’t want? In 1966 the Australian government, amidst great fanfare and hoopla, changed us over from Pounds Sterling […]
Decimal Currency and Metric Measuring
Time to create a Rural Reconstruction and Development Bank By: A North Qld Grazier (first published 2016 — updated by CIRNow’s True Blue Observer) This article was originally written to support Robbie Katter’s bill to introduce state banking, under the name of a Rural Reconstruction and Development Bank. The Abstract of […]
Time to Restructure the Banking System
Here is a list of all the Treaties that have been signed on behalf of the people of Australia. In most cases, we had no idea what was being signed…we were not told what the treaty was or who was signing it on our behalf without our approval. Note the […]
Treaties Australia has been signed up to
Police have no right to stop you unless you have committed a crime You are welcome to print out everything below the line and carry it in your car at all times. Whenever you are stopped, lock all doors, and wind up all the windows in the car, leaving a […]
POLICE POWERS – Our Rights and Responsibilities
Truth? What Truth? Founding and Primary Law Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted. It’s only 22 pages, download and READ IT The Political Parties Australia created in 1973 doesn’t Consolidate the Preamble and the first 6 Clauses. Therefore they don’t recognize OUR GOD “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty […]
Truth Is Treason In An Empire Of Lies
Willful Treason Defined In law, treason is the crime of disloyalty to one’s nation. A person who betrays the nation of their citizenship and/or reneges on an oath of loyalty and in some way willfully cooperates with an enemy, is considered to be a traitor. … Historically, treason was considered the worst crime and drew the harshest […]
Willful Treason
Royal Sign Manual and Signet Sir William Slim 08 May 1953 to 02 February 1960 1953 was the last time the Crown Royal Styles and Titles Act was approved by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Defender of the Faith. The following exposes the fraudulent and treasonous behaviour the political […]
Royal Styles and Titles
Treason is still a Capital Crime “Truth Is Treason In An Empire Of Lies” “A thing void in the beginning does not become valid by lapse of time.” — 1S & R58 Maxims of Law, Black’s Law Dictionary 9th Edition, Page 1866 No Magistrates or other court presided over by a […]
Treason Documented
Free e-Book of Australian Government Successes! Yes, it’s finally here! You can download our Free e-Book of Australian Government Successes and read for yourself what a wonderful job our political party governments have been doing. Be aware that this is a work in progress….there are so many things to list […]
Free e-Book
Fake corporate courts — How to Recognize Them If the magistrates or judges are sitting under the Australian government Great Seal shown on the right, which features the kangaroo and emu, then they are not authorized to sit in judgement over any Commonwealth citizen. They have sworn an Oath of […]
Fake Corporate Courts
Invisible Contracts Explained In August 1984 two men exchanged a series of letters that became a sensation around the nation. Armen Condo had tried to get out of paying taxes, claiming that the ATO was unconstitutional. He failed, however. This article tells what happened and why he failed. We reproduce […]
Invisible Contracts
Commonwealth Documents Available Here: If you need to refer to any Commonwealth document this website is the place to go. Want to know how the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901 came about? Do you need a copy of the original Constitution? Need to know what the White Australia Policy was […]
Commonwealth Documents
Proxy Voting was unlawfully included in the The Parliament Queensland Act 2001 There is a problem with their Act, however. First, the Queensland Government is not a valid State Government as defined in the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901. Second, the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901 Constitution does not allow Proxy […]
Proxy Voting is Unlawful
Why do we get Bad Government? Because we keep electing bad people to rule over us. How stupid are we? We can predict the outcome of any election with 100% accuracy. The very idea of political party government is immoral Why? Because it’s the idea that a certain group of […]
Why Government is Immoral
Mobil Oil Decision High Court of Australia Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd v Victoria [2002] HCA 27 (26 June 2002) This judgement shows that the politicians and judiciary are well aware of the dire situation our nation has been placed in as a result of TREASON perpetuated by the political […]
Mobil Oil Vs Victoria
Phil Galea has been incarcerated in Solitary Confinement in a Victorian prison since August 2016. Until recently, he was denied his right under the Common Law and the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901 to be tried by a jury of his peers in a court of law. Instead, the police […]
Why Phil Galea was Arrested
Red or Blue. Which Flag Should we Raise? The Australian Red Ensign resulted from the Commonwealth Government’s 1901 Federal Flag Design Competition which required two entries: a flag for official Commonwealth Government use and another for the merchant navy. The winning design was based on the traditional British Red Ensign and […]
Red or Blue Ensign?
Supplying Information Know your rights Police have certain powers to stop, detain, search, and arrest people. But they must also abide by the law. The following explains their responsibilities under the law. Make sure you know and understand what they are required to supply when asked. You have every right […]
Supplying Police Officer’s Details
Origins of your Slavery to the Banksters Colonel Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the United States This is the first real evidence found that our current Social, Financial, and Legal system was deliberately designed to enslave humanity: In a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (US President […]
Origins of the Strawman
Maxims are a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct The following maxims are worth reading and remembering as you deal with the unlawful political party governments. Remember that you, as a human being, have all the rights bestowed on you by the universe, and no man […]
Maxims in Law
Thank you to Swiss InfoTech for this information How Switzerland has remained Free and Democratic The road to proportional representation in Switzerland By Igor Petrov In 1918, at a time of high political instability, Switzerland made the historic decision to move to a proportional representation system at the national level – a […]
How Switzerland moved to Proportional Representation
Sir Harry Gibbs Examines the Legitimacy of Political Party Government “We hold these truths to be self-evident, —– that all men are created equal, ——- that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, —— that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. —— That […]
Sir Harry Gibbs Statement
Questions Authorities don’t want to answer We can’t find the Launceston Community Law Group in existence any more. But they put out this questionnaire a few years ago and we think it’s worth reproducing here….keep asking questions everyone. Make them squirm. Make them uncomfortable. Make them ashamed. Launceston Community Law […]
Questions for “Authorities”
Introduction: There is a deep malaise present in our current political system. Most Australians are aware that there is “something wrong”…but what exactly has gone wrong with it? The Australian Constitution Act 1901 instituted a system of government we called the Westminster system. It was based on the Australian Constitution […]
Queensland’s Evolution To Tyranny
Liens – How to Hold “Officials” Accountable What is a Commercial Lien? Thanks to for this information If someone has ‘wronged’ you, by their actions, you have a remedy, in Law. The Common Law is the Law-of-the-Land, and is the highest man-made Law under which the People of the Nation […]
Liens – How to
Dealing with officials can be frustrating, but that’s because most of us don’t understand our relationship with them and how to deal with them. The following helps us understand the best way to deal with anyone who has put on the mantle of “authority” and tries to browbeat you into […]
Dealing with “Officials”
Lawful Affidavits are a Powerful Weapon Whenever you decide to stand up to the unlawful activities of the Government, their agents in local Councils (they are not local government), and the corporate bodies such as toll companies that hand out fines and penalties for infringing their rules you can challenge the authority […]
Lawful Affidavit
Our Official True Law of This Country is: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK / 1901 (Cth) as proclaimed and gazetted This act was derived from the draft of the Constitution put together by Australians for Australians. Queen Victoria and the British Parliament added 9 Clauses and several other parts […]
Our Australian Law
How you can win any court case brought against you for not paying a fine All grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void Our Bill of Rights The United Kingdom Bill of Rights [1688] CHAPTER 2 1 William and Mary Sess 2 is […]
How to Win in Court
Do not pay any unlawful demands for money….Your money! What do you do if you get a letter from a company accusing you of “illegally downloading” software, with a demand for money? The first thing you need to realize is that these scammers …that’s all they are…don’t know anything about you. […]
Do Not Pay
WIN A COURT CASE? Can you win almost any legal attack in 5 minutes, in writing or in person? Listen carefully. THIS IS NOT LEGAL ADVICE – THIS IS ONLY OPINION. Results will vary and further depends on your own skills, preparation and self study. Results depend highly on your […]
Win a Court Case with one Question
A Letter arrived at our offices again this week from Phil Galea, the first non-islamic Australian ever arrested on terrorism charges. It is so heartfelt that we reproduce part of it here for everyone to see what the unlawful political party government has done to an innocent Australian citizen. A […]
A Letter from Phil Galea
Facts in Issue for the Court Have you been summoned to court for any offence where no person has been hurt by your actions? In that case, you have no case to answer. Under Common Law you can only be tried if you have caused harm to another person. A […]
Facts in Issue
CHALLENGING THE COURT POST FOR AUSTRALIA — NUMBER 131 This Is How You Challenge The Jurisdiction Of The Court In relation to the matter before this court being an Application to sell abandoned goods held by the City of Greater Geraldton. I formally challenge your ability firstly to constitute a Lawful Court […]
Challenging the Jurisdiction of the Court
The Traitors, Labor Party Commie Wharfies A timely new book reveals the union movement’s role in one of the most shameful periods of Australian history. What the wharfies did to Australian troops – and their nation’s war effort – between 1939 and 1945 is nothing short of an abomination. Perth […]
The Traitors Within…
Who or What is the Crown? What is the City of London? What is the DOG LATIN (all-caps) UNITED KINGDOM LTD? Have you ever wondered why the SURNAME and other important text is written using the ALL UPPERCASE TEXT? Put simply, ‘you’ are using a ‘Legal’ name and this is […]
Who or What is the Crown?
Fixated People’s Act is a draconian Act passed by the political party corporate government to allow their “security” goons to pick up anyone, any time, anywhere and throw them into a “psychiatric assessment unit” (loony bin) for observation. The pretext is that the person has shown themselves to be unnaturally […]
Fixated People’s Act
Police powers are defined by rules and regulations What powers do police have when it comes to using force? When it comes to what force a police officer can and can’t use, there can be a lot of confusion. These are the powers they do , Tom Livingstone, 27 May, […]
Police Powers
COUNCILS HAVE NO AUTHORITY TO IMPOSE FINES/TAXES Related info from Wayne Glew to keep, learn and know While this information specifically discusses the situation in Victoria, the general information is correct for all states…But do your own research to discover what the laws of your state require of you. For […]
Councils are not Government
UN Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals The UN have unveiled their masterplan for the next 14 years – saying that they wish to implement global socialism and corporate fascism as part of their “Agenda 2030” plans. Part of their plans, officially dubbed “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals,” aims to reduce inequality worldwide by […]
UN Post-2015 Sustainability Goals
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Information to Restore the Constitution
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Is the ATO Lawful? The following facts support the claim of the ATO being illegal: All law in Australia must be passed by a Parliament in both houses (in states that have both houses) and then by law must be gazetted. The law that established the Australian Taxation Office has […]
Is the ATO Lawful?
CORPORATE GOVERNMENT IS REAL Australians are forced to vote, whether we like it or not. We all know that our vote is meaningless, because no matter who we vote for we only end up with one of two major political parties; either the ALP or the LIB/NATS. Yet, very few […]
Corporate Government ABN Numbers
We must question their judgement . . . There is no doubt in the minds of many that leadership in the ADF has been replaced with social engineering lunacy as one supposed leader after another abandoned common sense in favour of PC nonsense. The latest to dazzle us with his […]
ADF in Disgrace
Our Constitutional identity determines our interaction with and control over our government. It is essential that we understand where we stand under the law. If we fail to understand our legal and civil rights we can and will lose them to tyranny. Australia is no longer governed under the rule […]
Our Constitutional Identity
Much of what is taught about Aboriginal culture today appears to be based on myths and hearsay. This article attempts to present a balanced perspective based on the observations of early settlers who lived among the Aborigines. Their real life observations help give us a glimpse into a fascinating, complex, […]
Aborigine Facts
CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION? – NO WAY! This is the usual knee-jerk reaction we hear whenever someone says that the Constitution needs to be changed. Time and again we hear Australians saying that we should not amend our Constitution….that it is just fine as it is. These people obviously have never […]
Change the Constitution?
Who Owns Australia? If you think you own your little piece of Paradise, your quarter acre block of land, or your farm, or your factory, or your workshop…Think again. While the mainstream media pulls a bait and switch on us Australians, they are hiding the truth. NT News has been […]
Who Owns Australia?
MORE CRIMINALS IN GOVERNMENT WHY ARE YOU PAYING SUPERANNUATION? Do you know that the Australian Tax Office (ATO), ever since World War 2, has been collecting money into a national pension fund, and that they still do even today? So why are all Australians being forced to pay into a […]
More Criminals in Government
Criminals in Government How the Queensland Government Destroyed our Democracy If you love our nation and want the best for the future of our children and their descendants take the time to watch this video FIRST. We have listed the references below with comments about how the laws have been […]
Criminals in Government
Barcelona Declaration: In November 1995 a momentous meeting of Heads of State drew up plans to radically change the course of history. These plans were designed to drag poverty-stricken nations out of poverty by creating conditions for them to compete on a level playing field with developed nations. The people […]
Barcelona Declaration
Political Origins and The –isms Early History Our western civilization is based on a long and proud history; Starting with the Greeks who came up with the idea of Democracy. The Constitution of the Athenians has formed the basis of Democracy ever since. The Constitution stated that democracy respects the […]
Political Origins
We reprint this article in full in the interests of the safety of Commonwealth Bank Customers: COMBANK MONEY LAUNDERING The most disturbing feature of AUSTRAC’s 388-page statement of claim against the Commonwealth Bank is how little it has to do with technology – this claim focuses like a laser on […]
Combank Money Laundering
THIS IS WHY THE POLITICAL PARTIES ARE ACTING ILLEGALLY WE DO NOT HAVE A LEGAL GOVERNMENT Our Constitution is very clear about who we can vote into government: PART II THE SENATE Section 7. The Senate shall be composed of senators for each State, directly chosen by the people of […]
Is the Government Legal?
What is Agenda 2030? There is an agenda to impose a One World Government, also known as the New World Order (NWO) and subjugate us all under it called Agenda 2030. It is designed to complement Agenda 21, and as such it goes far beyond the aims of Agenda 21. […]
Agenda 2030
The Lima Declaration is a UN-led initiative that seeks to “flatten” the world’s production to redistribute wealth to give all nations a “fair share”. It is an international trade agreement similar to G.A.T.T, (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs). Australia is a signatory to The Lima Declaration as it is […]
What is the Lima Declaration?
AGENDA 21/2030 (A.K.A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT) In 1992, Paul Keating signed Agenda 21 on behalf of Australia. 178 Nations around the world signed Agenda 21. What is Agenda 21 you may ask? In short, it’s about global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction. Maurice Strong, Secretary General […]
Agenda 21/30
The Fabian Society Fabian Society members, over the past 120 years, have been almost singularly responsible for creating Communism in Soviet Russia and Communist China, Fascism in Italy and Germany, and socialism generally throughout the world. The Fabian Society started as a British socialist organization whose purpose is to advance […]
The Fabians History
THE SWISS LEAD THE WORLD IN CIR AND DEMOCRACY CIRNow is dedicated to bringing about sweeping political reforms by giving We the People the power to decide on major policy to guide the government. We the People must have the right to start a referendum. . At the moment, we […]
Swiss Initiative CIR
Fabians are “Soft Communists” The Fabian Society has in view the advance of Socialism~ Fabian Tract No. 3, 1885 Who and what is behind the Fabian Socialist agenda that is doing its best to destroy our nation? If you have never heard of the Fabians before it’s hardly surprising. They […]
Fabians – The Destroyers
Corporate Government sounds like a Fairy Tale, doesn’t it? We keep hearing people say that we are governed by a Corporation. Others say that it is impossible for us to be governed by a private corporation registered in the USA. Actually the reality is even worse than we all thought. […]
Corporate Government? No
Australia once enjoyed a reputation as one of the richest nations in the world, not just in monetary terms, but also in the lifestyle we once enjoyed. We were happy, healthy, and wealthy. We enjoyed freedoms that are slowly but surely being whittled away — today many of our freedoms […]
Socialism the Destroyer
CRIMINAL CODE 1899 – SECT 44 44 Definition of seditious intention An intention to effect any of the following purposes, that is to say—(a) to bring the Sovereign into hatred or contempt;(b) to excite disaffection against the Sovereign or the Government or Constitution of the United Kingdom or of Queensland […]
Criminal Code – Sedition
KNOW YOUR CONSTITUTION The 1901 Constitution establishes the framework of the main political institutions – legislature, executive and judicature – the relationships between them, and the powers of the Federal Parliament in relation to the States. Technically, it is an act of the British Parliament passed in 1900. The Australia […]
Know Your Constitution
Switzerland’s Direct Democracy Definition of Direct Democracy Direct Democracy can be defined as a form or system of democracy giving citizens an extraordinary amount of participation in the legislation process and granting them a maximum of political self-determination. Origins of Switzerland’s Direct Democracy In Switzerland, Direct Democracy has a long tradition: The origins of Direct Democracy can be […]
Switzerland’s CIR
Ask yourself this: If political parties were the answer to solving our problems, why do we have so many political problems today? The fact is, political parties ARE THE PROBLEM. The two major parties have stolen our heritage, stolen our democracy, and imposed a 2-party system on us that does […]
Political Parties are not the Answer
An article by R.G.McCulloch: It is well past time we Australians sorted out who we are. Are we an independent sovereign nation, or are we a colony? Who is legally sovereign the Queen of the United Kingdom, or the Queen of Australia, or the Australian people? Are we then legally […]
She’s Not Right Mate
WHERE IS THE WATER? There is a myth that Australia is constantly short of water. Yet when you look around the nation it is obvious that some parts of our great nation have abundant water, while others have very little or none. So, why are we faced with huge droughts […]
Water Management
What is Money? Where does money come from? How is it valued? Who controls it? Why do we have surpluses and shortages of money? This new video from Positive Money explains. ——————————————————–
What is Money?
Heart attacks, colds, flu can be prevented. This drink is formulated to bolster your immune system, clear your circulatory system, and help you resist colds and flu. A mate of mine was scheduled to have a by-pass operation. A booking was made for twelve months after he was diagnosed (thanks […]
Health tip
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