– Sweden Refuse To Pay Me Swedish Age Pension. – Swedish Governments-Authorities-Agencies, Etc., Are Controlled By Criminal Organizations Etc. – Refuse Pay Me Swedish Age Pension.

1/ To/Via, Pensionsmyndigheten, S-106 44 Stockholm, Sweden, Also Included, Attachment Of 3 Pages, Gives Total Of 40 Pages

1/a- To/Via, AFA Försäkring,106 27 Stockholm, Sweden,

AFA rygghetsförsäkringsaktiebolag (org nr 516401-8615),

AFA Sjukförsäkringsaktiebolag (org nr 502033-0642),

AFA Livförsäkringsaktiebolag (org nr 502000-9659),

Visit Address : Klara Södra Kyrkogata 18, Stockholm, Sweden,

  1/a1- To/Via Forsakringskassans Utlandsavdelningen,

Servicekontoret Pa A7, SE-11120 Stockholm, Sweden.

2/ From Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,

978 Pimlico Road, Sandalwood Van And Leisure Park,

Wardell, New South Wales 2477, Australia,

2/a-My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Person Number: 1949-12-03-1251,

2/a1- My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Email:

2/a2- Concerning Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, ReInstated, Etc., Application, For Age Pension, From Sweden,

2/a3- And This Also Include, But Not Limited To Recieve 100%, Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensations, Etc., For My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Be Course Of 1 + 1 = 2 Working Injuries, That happened, Etc., Second Week In July 1987,

2/a4Have Not, Etc., Been Able, To Work, Etc., For About, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years,

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2/a5- Be Course Of This 1 + 1 = 2 Very Serious Working Injuries, At Second Week In July 1987, With Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Serious Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a5- And All Involveds, Etc., Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Bad Handling, Etc.,

2/a6- And Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Very Big Scandal, Etc., Treatments, Etc.,

2/a7- Of Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh And Blood, Man’s, 2 (Two), Whatever Called, Working Injury, Etc., Cases, Etc.,

2/a8- Read, Etc., Everything, Etc., At Least, 10 Times, Above And Below,

2/a9- That Have Ended Up, Giving Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh And Blood, Man, Number Of Very Serious Whatever Called, Health, Etc. Whatever Called,, Problems, Etc.,

2/b1- After Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Gone Through, Many Big Hells, And Many Small Hells, Etc.,, Many Times Over, Under This About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years,,

2/b1a- When All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Was Very Hostile, Etc., And Very Threatening, Etc., And Making Many Very Deceptive, Etc., And Missleading, Etc., By Speah, Etc., And/Or In Writing, Etc., Statements, Etc., And By Lying, Etc., And Not Obey, Etc., And Not Follow, Etc., All There Own Swedish Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,

2/b1b- And Treated, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, As Victim, Etc., Of This 1 + (1) = 2, Working Injuries, Very Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Badly, Etc., By You All, Etc., This Was, Very Deliberate, Etc., Planed, Etc., Systematic, Etc., Whatever Called, Physically, Etc., And Physologically/Mentally, Etc., Still Ongoing, Etc., Whatever Called, Terror, Etc., Whatever Called, Distress, Etc., Sufferings, Etc., Trauma’s, Etc., Not Feeling, Etc., Well At All,

2/b1c- With Still, Ongoing Etc., Never Ending, Etc., Very Serious Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc., Especially, Including, But Not Limited To, My 777Henri Virtanen©, Self Cofidence, Etc., Is Very Whatever Called, Low, Etc., To Not Existance, Etc.,

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2/b2- That All, Etc., Involved, Etc., So Called, Swedish Medical Doctors, Etc., Swedish G.P. Dr Danielson, And Swedish G.P. Dr. Bjorklind, And So Called, Medical Doctors Specialists, Etc., Swedish Dr. Linton At Kulbergska Hospital In Katrineholm,

And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Of Forsakrings Kassans, Staff, Etc., Members, Etc., Anna-Britta Bergkvist, And Yvonne Sjokvist, Etc.,

2/b2a- And All Etc., Involved Etc., Of Arbets Marknad Forsakringar Trygghet Forsakringars, Staff, Etc., Members, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Members, Etc.,

2/b2b- And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Governments 340 Riksdags Members, Etc., And/Or Whatever Called, Members, Etc.,

2/b2c- And All, Etc., Of Theirs, Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Authorities, Etc., And/Or Agencies, Etc., And Whatever (Number), Of Whatever Called, 3:rd Parties, Etc., Whatever Called, Staff, Etc., Members, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Members, Etc.,

2/b3- When Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Complained, Etc., To Them All, Etc., Just Total Silence, Etc., Not 1 Word, Etc., From Anyone, Etc., Whatsoever, Etc.,

2/b3a- And, All, Etc., So Called, Court, Etc., And Tribunal, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Courts, Etc., And, All, Etc., So Called, Judges, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Judges, Etc., Tha, Are Sitting, Etc., On This, So Called, Bench, Etc.,

2/b3b- That Always, Etc., Refused, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, To Take Part, Etc., In My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, As Working Injuries, Etc., Victim, Etc., In My, 777Henri Virtanen,© As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own 10, So Called, Court Hearings, Etc., And/Or, Whatever, Called, Tribunal Hearings, Etc.,

2/b3c- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Was In Sweden, At This Time,

2/b3d- And Was In Sweden Waiting Etc., For My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, First Court Hearing, To Come Up,

2/b3e- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Also, Gave

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This Court Staff, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Direct Phone Number, And Residential Address, Etc., In Stockholm,

2/b3f- Where Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Was Staying, At Friends Place, In Stockholm,

2/b3g- And Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Tell Them, Etc., To Phone, Etc., To Contact, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Strait Away, Etc., With Few Days Notice, When My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Court Hearing, Or Whatever Called, Tribunal Hearing, Etc., Would Come Up,

2/b3h- Only Excuses, Etc., They Always, Etc., Said, They Did Not Know, Etc., When My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Court Hearing, Etc., Or Whatever Called, Tribulal Hearing, Etc., Would Comes Up, Etc.,

2/b3i- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Notify, This Court, In Nykoping, By Phone, And By Snail Mail, That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,

2/b3j- Will Take Part, Etc., In All, Etc., Of My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own, Etc., Court Hearings, Etc., Or Whatever Called, Tribunal Hearings, Etc.,

2/b3k- Just, Total Silence, Etc., Not, (1), One Word, Etc., From Anyone, Etc., Of All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Here After, Etc., Called, Wrong Doers, Etc.,

2/c- Then Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Got Very Sick, Etc., Was Unconscious, Etc., For 48 Hours, Did Not Feel Well, Etc.,

2/c1- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Could Not Take, Etc., This Very Cold, Etc., Swedish Winter Weather, Etc., Any More,

2/c1a- So Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Decided,

Etc., To Fly Back Home, Etc., To My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, New Home Country, To Warm Australia,

2/d- About 4 Weeks Later, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Received 1 Letter, From This, So Called, Court, In Nykoping,

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2/d1- That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Court Case, Had Been Heard,

2/d1a- 2 Weeks, After Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Was Forced, Etc., To Return, Etc., To Fly Back Home, To Warm Australia,

2/d1b- Be Course, Of All, Etc., Serious Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

2/d1c- This Swedish, So Called, Court, Did At All, Etc., Times, Etc., Exactly Know, Etc., When My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, 1 + (1) = 2, Working Injuries, Etc., Case, Would Come Up, Etc.,

2/d2- They All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Did Not Want, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, There At My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own, Etc., So Called, Court Hearing, Or Whatever Called, Tribunal Hearing, Etc.,,

2/d2a- Be Course, They “All”, Etc., Did, For Sure, Etc., Know, That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Had, Got Hold Of, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Working Injury, Etc., Own, Etc., X-rays, Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Double Fractured, Etc., Collar Bone, And This X-Rays, Etc., Did Shows, Etc., Very Clearly, Etc., That This, Double Fracture, Etc., Collar Bone, Etc., Could Definitely Not, Heal, Etc., It Selves, Etc., In Any, Etc., Shape(s), Etc., And/Or, Form(s), Etc., Whatsoever, Etc.,

2/d2b- As My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Australian Medical Doctor, And Bone Sturgeon, Said, Only Way, Etc., To Get This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Collar Bone, Etc., To Heal, Etc., To Normal, Etc., Strength, Etc., An To, Normal Functions, Etc.,

2/d2c- Was Only Operation, Etc., Would Fix, Etc., That, By Using, Etc., Stainless Steel Screw, Etc., And Stainless Steel Plates, Etc., 2/d2d- To, Be Able To, To Hold, Etc., In Fixed, Etc., Position, Etc.,

My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, 3 Fractured Bones Together, For It, To Be Able, Etc., To Heal, Etc., Together, To Normal, Etc., Position, Etc., Strength, Etc., And To Normal, Etc., Functions, Etc.,

2/d3- They “All”, Etc., Involved, Etc., Did Not, Etc., Want, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As

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Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, There, At All, Etc., At This, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own, Etc., So Called, Court Hearing, Etc.,Or Whatever, Etc., Called, Tribunal Hearing, Etc.,

2/d3a- Be Course, They “All”, Etc.,Involved, Etc., Did Know, Etc., That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Had, Got Hold, Etc., Of This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own, Etc., Working Injury, Etc., X-Rays, Etc.,

2/d3b- And That, They All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Would Not, Etc., Have Any Etc., 100% Law Full, Etc., Leg, Etc., Leg To Stand On, According To Common Laws, Etc., And/Or, So Called, 100% Legal, Etc., New World Orders Own Whatever Called, Laws, Acts, Rules, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc., Legs, Etc., To Stand On Either, And/Or, Otherwise, Etc., Whatever, Etc., Called, Legs, Etc., To Stand On, For Any Reason, At All,

2/d3c- This My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Working Injury, Etc., X-Rays, Etc., Did Says More, Etc., Than 100,000 Words, Etc.,

2/d3d- And, They All, Etc., Involved, Etc., With 100% Certainty Etc., 100% Fully Understands This , Etc., And With, 100% Certainty, Etc., Knows, Etc., That This, Are 100%, True Fact, And 100%, Correct Fact, And, 100% Complete Fact,

2/d3e- Even, 2 – 3 Years Old, Kinder Garden Kids, Etc., Can See, Etc., And Also, By Using, Etc., Common Sense, Etc., Understand, Etc., That This, My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Double Fractured, Etc., Collar Bone, Etc., Could Not, Etc.,, Heal, Etc., By, It Self, Etc., And That This, Statement, Etc., Is Also, 100%, True Facts, And 100%, Correct Facts, And, 100% Complete Facts,

2/d4- And Again, That My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s,

Australian Doctor/Surgeon, Always, Etc., Said, He Could Not Understand, Etc., Why They Did Not, Operated, Etc.,(Should Been Operated),Strait Away, As Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Requested, Etc., Every Time, When Visiting Etc., This Swedish So Called, Medical Doctors, Etc. G.P. Dr. Davidson, And G.P. Dr. Bjorklind, And Medical Doctor, So Called, Specialist, Etc., Dr. Linton At Kulbergska Hospital At Kullberske Hospital Katrineholm,

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2/d4a- Then Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Could Have, Been Ready, Etc., To Go Back, Etc., To Work, Etc., Within 8, To 10 Weeks,

2/d5- As Stated, Above And Below, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Points Out Again,

2/d5a- All 10, Swedish Courts, Etc., Always Refused, Etc., Me, My Self, Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, To Take Part, Etc., In My 777Henri Virtanen’s© Own, Etc., Court Hearings, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Tribunal Hearings, Etc.,

2/d5b- Even That, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Always, Etc., Requested, Etc., It In Writing, Etc., That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Will, As Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Take Part, Etc., In Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of All, Etc., Of This, My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own 10 Working Injuries, Etc., Court Hearings, Etc. Or Whatever Called, Tribunal Hearings, Etc.,,

2/d5c- All, Etc., Of This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Requests, Etc., Was Always, Etc., Refused, Etc., By Everyone, Etc., Of All, Etc., Involved, Etc., In This, Now, Still, Etc., After About, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Big Hells, Etc., And Small, Hells, Etc., Still Ongoing, Etc., Very Big, Etc., Numbers, Etc., Of Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very,Very Big Scandals, Etc.,

2/d6- Some Of All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Made, Etc., Whatever Called, Very Deceptive, Etc., And Misleading, Etc., Statements, Etc., In Writing, Etc., And Orally, Etc., And Even, Blatant, Etc., Did Lied, Etc., To Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, About How Much, Etc., Of Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Damages, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensations, Etc., That Me, My, Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Would Receive, Etc.,

And Concerning, Etc., Any And All Of My 777Henri Virtanen’s, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man Other, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Bills, Etc.,That You Already Recievd, Etc., And Many New Coming Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., Been Paid, Etc., 100% In Full,

Please Notice, All This Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., Already Recieved, And All Coming Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., Will Stand, Etc., Indeffinetly, Etc., Into Our Future, Etc.,

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2/d6a- It Did, Not Matter, Etc., Who Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Complained, Etc., To, Either My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Complains, Etc., Was Always Refused, Etc.,

2/d6b- And/Or, ,Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Not, Etc., Receive, Etc., Any Whatever Called, Replies, Etc., At All,

2/d6c- Instead, Etc., All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Just Swiped, Etc., All, Etc., Of This, Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Big Scandals, Etc., Under This Carpet, Etc., Of Each And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc., When Thing, Etc., Gets To Hot, Etc., About This, Now Still, Etc., After 27 Years, Today 35 Years, Ongoing, Etc., Of Big Hells, And Small, Hells, Etc., Of This, Now Also, Very Big, Etc., Numbers, Etc., Of, Very Big, Etc., Scandals, Etc.,

2/e- And Again, They All, Etc., Committed, Etc., Many Whatever Called, Criminal, Etc., Offences, Etc., And Many Whatever Called, Other Offences, Etc., Against Many Etc., Common Laws, Etc.,Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,,

And Of This Whatever Called, New World Order, Etc., Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,,

2/e1- This Includes, Etc., But Not Limited To, All, Etc., Past, Sitting, Etc., And Sitting, Etc., Today, Etc., And All, Etc., Sitting, Etc., Indefinably, Etc., Into Our Future, Etc.,

2/e1a- Including, But Not Limited To, All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Swedish Parliament/Riksdagen Members, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Involved, Etc., So Called, Authorities, Etc.,

2/e1b- And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Of Forsakrings Kassan, Etc., Staff, Etc., Members, Etc., Or Whatever Called, Members, Including, But Not Limited To, Anna-Britta Bergkvist And Yvonne Sjokvist,

2/e1c- And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Insurance, Etc., Both, Private, And/Or Public Owned, Etc., Companies, Etc., Staff, Etc., Members, Etc., Or Whatever Called, Members,

2/e1d- And All, Etc., Other, Etc., So Called, 3: Parties, Etc., Up To, Whatever Numbers Of Parties,

Etc., That Was, And Still, Etc., Is Involved, Etc.,

2/e1e- Employer Lantbruks Namden, In Nykoping. Did Not Whatever Called, Obey, Etc., All Swedish Whatever Called, Working Cover Acts. Laws, Etc., And Are 100% Responcable, Etc., For My 2 Working Injuries.

2/f- On Top Of All, Etc., This, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Was Forced, Etc., To Fly, Etc., To Sweden, 2 Times,

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2/f1- To Kick, Etc., All, Etc., This Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., In There, Back Sides, Etc., 2 Times,

2/f1a- Before Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Received, Etc., Any, Etc., Payments, Etc.,

2/f1b- Each Trip, Etc., Did Cost, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, $4,000, x 2 = 8,000,

2/f1c- And Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Not, Etc., Received, Etc., 100% In Full, Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Compensation, Etc., For This $8,000, For This 2 Forced Trips To Sweden, Yet,

2/g- And My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc., Was And Still Is, Etc., “Very” Serious., Etc., Both Physically, Etc., And Physilogical/Mentally, Etc.,

2/g1- At Least, 2 Times, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,, Could, Have Died, Etc., Or Ended Up In Hospital, Etc., With Very Serious, Or Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

2/g1a- When Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Informed, Etc., All Involved, Etc., About All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

2/g1b- Not One, Etc., Of All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Did Not Care, Etc., One Bit, Etc., About All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc., 2/g1c- No One Did Contact, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Not, Etc., Receive, Etc., Any, Etc., Replies, Etc., In Any, Etc., Ways, Etc., Shapes,

Etc., And/Or Forms, Etc., Whatsoever, Etc.,

2/g1d- Or, If Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Not Receive, Etc., Any, Etc., Replies, Etc., At All,

They Did Not Want, Etc., To Do Anything, Etc., At All, Etc., And/Or Did Never, Etc., Mentioned With 1 Word, Etc., About All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood,

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Man’s, Very Serious, Etc., And Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

2/h- For About 16 Years, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,, At Best, Did Get, Etc., At Best, Etc., About 4 Hours, Of Sleep/Week, Etc.,

2/h1- Have Not, Etc., And Will Not, Etc., Never Ever, Etc., To Recover, Etc., Yet, After About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Big Hell, And Small Hells, Etc.,

2/i- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,, Have Lost, Etc., All This, Etc., About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Time,

2/i1- Concerning All, Etc., Of My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Numbers Of Inventions, Etc., And Innovations, Etc., And Projects, Etc., And Ideas, Etc., To Be Able To Create Jobs, Etc., For Unemployed, Etc., Australians,

2/i1a- Some, Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Inventions, Etc., And Innovations, Etc., Could/Will, Etc., Save, Etc., Between 200, To 600 Life’s, In Australia/Year,

2/i1b- And If Implemented, Etc., World Wide, Save, Etc., At Least, 500,000, To 1.000,000 Life’s, Etc., Per Year,

2/i1c- And At Same Time, Created, Etc., 100’s To 1,000’s Of Jobs, Etc., For Unemployed, Etc., Australians,

2/i1d- This Was, Why Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Received, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Australian Permanent Residence Status,

2/j- It Is, Lot More, Wrong Doings, Etc., Done By Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., In This Now, Etc., Still, Etc., For About, So Far, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, And Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., Big Hells, And Small Hells, Etc., 2/j1- And Also, Very Big, Numbers, Etc., Of

Big Scandals, Etc., That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood,

Man, Could Write, Etc., At Least, Etc., One Book, Etc., About, Etc.,

2/j1a- That They All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Did Conspire, Etc., To Destroy, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Health, Etc., In All,

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Etc., Ways, Etc., Possible, Etc., And My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whole Future, Etc., Concerning, Etc., All, Etc., Aspects, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whole Life, Etc.,

2/j1b- By Using, Etc., Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Ways, Etc., Possible, Etc., By Using, Etc., Delaying, Etc., Tactics, Etc., By Dragging, Etc., Out, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, 2 Working, Etc., Injuries, Etc., Cases, Etc., In As Many Years, Etc., As Possible, Etc., For As Many, Etc., Years, With No Payments, Etc., At All Tactics, Etc.,

2/j2- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,

Did Not Immigrate, Etc., To Australia, To Be Burden, Etc., To Our Australian Community, Etc.,

2/j2a- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Lived, Etc., On My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Savings, Etc., For About 6.5 Years, And First, When All, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Savings, Etc., Was Gone, Etc.,

2/j2b- Then, And Only Then, Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Went To, Etc., Our, Etc., Australian Authorities, Etc., And Asked, Etc., For Assistants, Etc.,

2/j2c- Be Course, Of Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Been, Etc., And Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., About 27 YearsToday Staggering 35 Years, Of Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hells, Etc.,

2/j2d- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Not, Been Able, Etc., To Work, Etc., At All,

2/k- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Always, Etc., Request, Etc.,

2/k1- And Also, Did Send, Etc., Many Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., In All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri

Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Complains, Etc., Appeals, Etc.,

2/k1a- To Be Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., And Will, Etc., Be Paid, Etc., With Included, But Not Limited To, 1.17%/Month, On Total, Etc., Outstanding/Overdue, Etc., Amounts, Etc., That Not Been Paid, 100% In Full, Etc., Yet, Etc., Amounts, Etc., That Will, Etc., Be Added, Etc., To Total Amounts, Etc., That You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Still, Etc., Owes, Etc., Me, My Self,

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777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, And Will, Etc., With 100%, Certainty, Etc., 1 Day, Etc., Be Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, No Ifs, And No Buts, Etc.,

2/k1b- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Did Never, Etc., Receive, Etc., Any, Etc., Payments, Etc., On All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Big Numbers, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., Not 1 Cent,

2/k1c- All Of This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Outstanding, Etc., And Very Much, Etc., Overdue, Etc., Not Been Paid, Etc., Yet, Etc.,

2/k1d- Old, Etc., Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., Mailed, Etc., To You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc.,

2/k1e- In This Now, Still About, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, For Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Of Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hells, Etc., Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., And Also, Very Big Numbers Of Very Big Scandals, Etc., Done By You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc.,

2/l- That Also, Are As Follows, Etc., All, Etc., Old/Past, Etc., And New, Etc., Including, But Not Limited To, This, New Application, Etc., To Get My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Swedish Age Pension, Etc., Started Paid Out Again, Etc., With 7 Years Back Payments, Etc., When Your Swedish Pension Authoroty, Etc., Unlawfylly And Illegaly, Etc., Just Stopped, Paying, Etc., This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s,

2/l1- That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Are Entitled, Etc., To, According, Etc., To Swedish Own, New World Orders Own Whatever Called, Laws, Acts, Rules, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,

2/l1a- And With All, Etc., Included, Etc., New Coming Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., And Of Course, Many More, Coming, Etc., Whatever Called, Bills, Etc.,

2/l1b- For All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Still,

After 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Ongoing, Etc., Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hells, Etc.,

2/l1c- And Will, Etc., Be Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., Of Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., For Whatever Called, Damages, Etc.,

2/l1d- For Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Causing, Etc., Very Serious, Etc., And Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

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2/l1e- And Also, For, Including, But Not Limited To, All, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Trauma’s, Etc., Distress, Etc.,

2/​l1f- And Also, Completely, Etc., Unnecessary, Etc., Whatever Called, Sufferings, Etc., In All, Etc., Aspects, Etc., Of My, Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whole, Etc., Everyday, Etc., Life, Etc., Page 8, Of (17),

2/l1g- Done By Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., And Also, Everyone’s, Etc., Else, Etc., Involved, Etc., After, Etc., About, So Far, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc.,

2/m- With Also, Included, Etc., Reminders, Etc., Of All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Application, Etc., For My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, To Receive, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Swedish, Age Pension, Etc., Read 2/I Above Again,

According, Etc., Swedish Laws, Etc., Read 2/I Above Again,

2/m1- And Again, Reminds, Etc., You All, Etc., Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., About My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of All, Etc., Coming, Included, But Not Limited To, Today, Etc., And Coming, Etc., Future, Etc., Of 100%, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., (For Details, Etc., Read Above, And Below),

2/m1a- That Always Have, Etc., (Included, But Not Limited To, With Built In, Etc., De-Fault Clauses, Etc.,),

2/m1b- And At Same Time, Etc., Are Always, Etc., 100% Automatically, Etc., Becomes, And Still, Etc., Are Always, Etc., 100%, Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc.,

2/m1c- Between, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, As 2 Working Injuries, Etc., Victim, Etc., That Have, And Still Are, Etc., After So Far, About, 27

Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Ongoing, Etc., With Still Going, Etc., Through Big Hells, Etc., And

Small Hells, Etc., As 2 Working Injuries, Etc., Victim, Etc.,

2/m1d- And Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of You All, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Are 100%, Responsible, Etc., For All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called,

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Problems, Etc., And All, Etc., Other, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whole, Etc., Everyday, Etc., Many Whatever Called, Life’s, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/m1e- Of All This, Now, Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., After So Far, About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Very Big Scandals, Etc., Of All Involveds, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doins, Etc.,

2/n- Please Notice, That All Of This, Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc. , Are Always, Etc., With 100% Certainty, Etc., Always, Etc., 100% Whatever Called, Automatically, Etc., Enforced, Etc., By All, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc., Them Selves, Etc.,

2/n1- This Always Applies, Etc., According, Etc., To Common Laws, Etc.,

2/n1a- And Also, To New World Orders, Etc., Open, Etc., Known, Etc., To General Public, Etc. Of All There Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Theirs Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,,

2/n1b- And Also, To New World Orders,Secret”, Etc., Not Known, Etc., To General Public, Etc., Of All There Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or Theirs Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,

2/o- And As Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Always, Etc., Stated, Etc.,

2/o1- That All, Etc., Of This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Old Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., Stands, Etc., Indefinitely, Etc., Into Our Future, Etc.,

2/o1a- And You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Will, Etc., Pay, Etc., For Everything, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc.,

2/o1b- With Added, Etc., 1.17%/Month, On 100%, Of All, Etc., Total Outstanding, Etc., Amounts, Etc., Of Payments, Etc., On All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Old, Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/ Bills, Etc.,

2/o1c- And Of Course, Many More, Etc., Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc.,

Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/ Bills, Etc., Will Follow, Etc., That Are 100% For Sure,

2/o1d- An That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Shall, Etc., Receive, Etc., 100% Full, Etc., Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., And Whatever Called, Damages, Etc., Whatever Called,, Compensations, Etc.,

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2/o1e- For Everyone’s, Etc., Of You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Wrong Doings, Etc., With No Actions, Etc., And With Not, Etc., One Word, Etc., From Anyone, Etc., In Any, Etc., Ways, Etc., Shapes Etc., And/Or, Forms, Etc., Whatsoever, Etc.,

2/o2- Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Not, Etc., To This Day, Etc., Received, Etc., Any Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., And/O, Whatever Called, Damages, Etc., Compensations, Etc., Including, But Not Limited To, Very Serious, Etc., And Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc., And All, Etc., This, So Far, About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Whatever Called, Completely, Etc., Unnecessary, Etc., Whatever Called, Trauma’s, Etc., Distress, Etc., And Sufferings, Etc., And Big Numbers, Etc., Of Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., After About, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hells, Etc.,

2/o2a- Be Course, You All, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Did Conspired, Etc.,

2/o2b- To Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Whatever Called, Deliberate, Etc., In Cold Blood, Etc., Planned, Etc., And Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., All, Etc., Of My , 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Very Serious, Etc., And Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

2/o2c- And Also, Deliberate, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Very Big, Etc., Problems, Etc., In All, Etc., Aspects, Etc., In My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whole, Etc., Life, Etc., Today, Etc., Indeffinetly, Etc., Into Our Future,

2/o2d- Including, Etc., But Not Limited To, Very Big, Etc., Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., And Other, Etc., Whatever Called, Losses, Etc., Read Details, Etc., Above, And Below,

2/p- And All, Etc., This About, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Lost Time,

2/p1- Should Have Been, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Most Whatever Called, Productive, Etc., Years, Etc.

2/p1a- With Making Plans, Etc., And Savings, Etc., For My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whole, Etc., Future, Etc., In All Fields, Etc.,

2/p1b- Including, But Not Limited To, Make 100% Sure, Etc., That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Also, Saved, Etc., To Be Able To, Receive, Etc., Very Good, Pension, Etc., When Reaching 65 Years, Of Age,

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2/q- As It Stands Today, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Very Little, Bank Savings, Etc.,

2/q1- And Will, Etc., For Sure, Etc., Receive, Etc., Very Little, Pension, Etc., From Sweden,

2/q1a- IOr Getting, Etc., No, Etc., Pension, Etc., From Sweden, At All???????

2/r- And Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Lost, So Far, About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years,

2/r1- Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Working, Etc.,, Life, Etc.,

2/r1a- That Should, Etc., Have Been, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Etc., Most Whatever Called, Productive, Etc., Years, Etc.,

2/s- That Now, Etc., Thanks To You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., In This, Now Still, Etc., About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Ongoing, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Very Big Scandals, Etc., With About, 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of Lost Income, Etc., In All, Etc., Whatever Called, Fields, Etc.,

2/s1- Including, Etc., But Not Limited To, My, 777Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, All, Etc., Inventions, Etc., And Innovations, Etc., And Numbers Of Projects, Etc., And Books, Etc., And Ideas, Etc.,

2/s1a- That Would, Etc., Have Made Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, To Become, Etc., Multi, Multi Millionaire, Etc.,

3/ When Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,, Did Write, Etc., To All, Etc., Members/Ledamoter, Etc., Of Sweden’s, Federal Parliament House/Sverige’s Riksdag, Etc.,

3/a- Where Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Etc., With Numbers Of Whatever Called, Requesrs And Demands, Etc.,

3/a1- That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, As 2 Working Injuries, Etc., Victim, Etc., Including, But Not Limited To, Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of

All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Above And Below, Etc., Very Serious, Etc., Very Big, Etc., Numbers Of Scandals, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc.,

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3/a1b- That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Will Receive, Etc., Same Swedish, Pension, Etc., And All, Etc., Other Benefits, Etc.,

3/a1c- That Whatever Called, Sweden/Sverige’s, Prime-Minister/Stats-Minister, Gets 100% In Full,

3/b- No One Of You All, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc.,

3/b1- Did Never Disputed, Etc., This All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Requests, Etc.,

3/b1a- And/Or Any, Etc., Of All, Etc., Of My, Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Big Numbers, Etc., Of 100% Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., ,

3/b1b- It Is Now To Late, Etc., To Dispute, Etc., Any, Etc., And/Or All, Etc., Of This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Big Numbers, Etc., Of 100% Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc.,

3/b1c- You All, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Have No Choice, Etc., Whatsoever, Etc.,

3/b1d- You All, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Just Have To Pay,, 100% In Ful, Etc., No If, And No Buts, Etc.,

3/b1e- All Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., Or, Whatever Called Laws, Etc.,

3/b1f- Are Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts, Etc., That Are 100%, True Facts, 100%, Correct Facts, And 100, Complete Facts,

3/b1g- This Applies, Etc., Always, Etc., According, Etc., To Common Laws, Etc.,

3/b1h- And This Always, Etc., Also Applies, Etc., To New World Orders, Etc., Open, Etc., Known, Etc., To General Public, Etc., Of All There Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,,

3/b1i- And This Always, Etc., Also Applies, Etc., To New World Orders, Etc., Very “Secret”, Etc., Not Known, Etc., To General Public, Etc., Of All There Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,

3/b1h- And Again, Etc., All Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Are, Etc., Always, Etc., Contracts, Etc.,

3/b1i- That Are Always, Etc., 100%, True Facts, 100%, Correct Facts, And 100, Complete Facts,

3/c- So Therefore, Etc., All, Etc., Of This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Requests, Etc., And All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Now Demands, Etc., And Big Numbers, Etc., Of 100%, Whatever Called,

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Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Are Still Standing, Etc. And Will, Etc., Stand, Etc., Indefinitely, Etc., Into Our Future, Etc.,

3/c1- And Always Will, Etc., With 100% Certainty, Etc., Have Become, Etc., And Will, Etc., Always, Etc., According, Etc., To Common Laws, Etc., Be 100%, Whatever Called, Law Fully, Binding, Etc., On Any And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc.,

3/c1a- And Will, Etc., Also According, Etc., To All, Etc., New World Orders, Etc., Of All There Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,, Be 100%, Legally Binding, Etc., On All, Etc., Of Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Any And All Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc.,

3/c1b- So Therefore, Etc., All, Etc., This Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Between, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, And All, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Including, Etc., But Not Limited To, All, Etc., Involved, Etc., So Called, Etc., Governments, Etc., At All, Etc., Levels, Etc.,

3/c1c- And All, Etc., Of All Theirs So Called, Etc., Authorities, Etc.,

3/c1d- And All, Etc., Other, Etc., Involved, Etc., Public, Etc., And/Or, Private, Etc., Owned, Etc., Of Theirs So Called, Etc., 3:rd Parties, Etc.,

3/c1e- And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Etc., And In Whatever Numbers, Etc., Of Parties, Etc., In Sweden, Etc.,

3/c1f- And Against, Etc., This, So Called, Etc., Country, Etc., Man Made, Etc., Named, Etc., Sweden, It Self, Etc.,

3/c1g- And Against, Etc., Sweden, As Corporation, Called, SWEDEN KINGDOM OF CIK#: 0000225913 (see all company filings), SIC: 8888 – FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS, State location: V7 | State of Inc.: V7 | Fiscal Year End: 1231, (Assistant Director Office: 99), Business Address BOX 16 306 S, RIKSGALDSKONTORET, STOCKHOLM SWEDEN V7 103 26, Mailing Address BOX 16 306 S, RISKGALDSKONTORET, STOCKHOLM SWEDEN V7 103 26,

3/c1h- That Will Now, Etc., Require, Etc., Immediate, Etc., 100%, Full, Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., For Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Otherwise, Etc., Whatever Called, Etc., Damages, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensations, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.

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3/c1i- All, Etc., Of This, My/Our Big Numbers, Etc., Agreed, Etc., On, By Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, And Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Etc., Big Numbers, Etc., Of Parties, Etc., Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc.,

3/c1j- Are With 100% Certainty, Etc., According, Etc., To Common Laws, Etc., 100% Law Full, Etc., Whatever Called, Binding, Etc., On/For All, Etc., Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., And Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever, Etc., Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Parties, Etc.,

3/c1k- And Also, With 100% Certainty, Etc., According, Etc., To All, Etc., New World Orders, Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,, Are Also, 100%, Legal Binding, Etc., On/For All, Etc., Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., And Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever, Etc., Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Parties, Etc.,

3/c1l- And This, Our Agreed, Etc., Of Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Will Always Be Whatever Called, Standing, Etc., Indefinitely, Etc., Into Our Future, Etc.,

3/c1m- To Be Paid, 100% In Full, Etc., To Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,

3/c1n- From Day (1), One, When Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Had This Working Injuries, About 11 Of July 1987,

3/c1o- To When, You All, Etc., At Pensionsmyndigheten, In Stockholm, Received, Etc., This My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, “Second Time”, To Start, To Back Pay, And From Today Again, Keep Paying Me My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Swedish Age Pension, Etc., “Second Time” Application, Etc., To Again Be Receiving, Etc., (For Life Time) Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood,

Man’s, Swedish Age Pension, Etc.,

3/c1p- That Me My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Are Whatever Called, 100% Entitled, Etc., According, Etc., To All Swedish Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,,

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3/c1o- To Receive, Etc., For Life, This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Swedish Age Pension, Etc.,

3/c1q- That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Very Clearly, Etc., Stated, Etc., And Requested, Etc., And Now Demanded, Etc., In Writing, Etc., Above And Below, Etc.,

3/d- And When You All, Etc., At Pensionsmyndigheten, Etc., Makes, Etc., This Yours 100% Correct, Etc., Whatever Called, Decisions, Etc.,

3/d1- To Pay, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, 100% Full, Etc., Of Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Whatever Called, Damages, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensations, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.,

3/d1a- As Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Requested, Etc., And Now Whatever, Called, Demands, Etc., In Writeng, Etc., Above And Below,

3/d1b- This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, First, Etc., 100% Paid, Etc., In Full, Etc., Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Whatever Called, Damages, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensation, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.,

3/d1c- Will Be Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., With Added, Etc., 100% Correct, Etc., Whatever Called, Calculated, Etc., 1.17%/Month, Month By Month, As To Late, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc., Amount, Etc.,

3/d1d- On Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Total, Etc., So Far, Etc., Whatever Called, Outstanding, Etc., Not Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., Amounts, Etc., That Definitely, Etc., Are Still Very Much, Etc., Whatever Called, Overdue, Etc.,

3/d1e- And Will, Etc., Always, Etc., Be Continually, Etc., Be Paid, Etc., By Everyone, Etc., Of All, Etc.,

Big Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Every Month, Etc., And Also, Whatever Called, Stands, Etc., Indefinitely, Etc., Into, Etc., Our Future, Etc.,

3/d1f- And Of Course, To Late Payments, Etc., Of Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Whatever Called, Damages, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensation, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.,

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3/d1g- Will Always, Etc., Be Added, Etc., 1.17%/Month, Month By Month, That All, Etc., Of This Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.,

3/d1h- And Of Course, Etc., All, Etc., Of This Payments, Etc., Will Also, Whatever Called, Stands, Etc., Indefinitely, Etc., Into, Etc., Our Future, Etc.,

4/ Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Victim(s), Etc., Of Any, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Wrong Doings, Etc.,

4/a- Including, Etc., But Not Limited To, 2 Working, Etc., Injuries, Etc., Victim(s), Etc.,

4/a1- Can Always Put, Etc., Defaults Clauses, Etc., In Place, Etc., In Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Their Own, Etc., Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc.,

4/a1a- It Is Always, Etc., 1, More, Or All, Etc., Of Wrong Doers, Etc., Them Selves, Etc., That Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Activates, Etc., Any, Etc., Of 1 More, Or All, Etc., Of Set Up, Etc., By Victims, Etc., Of Any, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doings, Etc., Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., And Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Enforces, Etc., All, Etc., Of This, Victim(s)/Our/Theirs, Etc., Big Numbers, Etc., Of Self Whatever Called, Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Into 100% Full, Etc., Common Law(s), Etc., Whatever Called, Force, Etc., Against Each And Everyone Of All Involved Wrong Doers, Them Selves, Etc.,

4/a1b- And Also, Only, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Them Selves, Etc., Whatever Called, Activates, Etc., And Enforces, Etc., All, Etc., Of This, Victim(s)/Our/Theirs, Etc., Big Numbers, Etc., Of Self, Whatever Called, Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Into 100%, Full, Etc., New World Orders, Etc., Whatever Called, Etc., Legal, Etc., Whatever Called, Force, Etc., Against All Involved Wrong Doers, Them Selves, Etc.,

4/a1c- This Whatever Called, Default(s) Clauses/Payments, Etc., That Also Always Are, Etc., Self,

Whatever Called, Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Is As Follows, Etc.,

4/a1d- This Whatever Called, Default(s) Payments, Etc., Starts With, ($777 x 10777) + ($2331 x 10777) = 3108 x 10777, (Australian Dollar),

4/a1e- Yes, This Is 100% Correct, Etc., Start With, Figures 3108, With 777 (Figure “0”), (After 3108),

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4/a1e1- Be Course, Australian Dollars, Etc., So Called, Etc., Money, Etc., Are Just Promise, Etc., To Pay, Etc., Money/Notes, Etc.,

4/a1e2- And Also, Be Course, Swedish Kronor, Etc., So Called, Etc., Money, Etc., Are Also Just Promise, Etc., To Pay, Etc., Money/Notes, Etc.,

4/a1e3- Therefore, All, Etc., Of This, Big Numbers, Etc., Of Defaults, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc., Of All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Our, Etc., Agreed, Etc., On, By All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doings, Etc., Parties, Etc., And/Or, Other Whatever Called, Parties, Etc.,), Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Shall Be, Whatever Called, Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., In 999.99%, (999.5) Pure Silver, In (Preferred, Etc., Australian), Silver Coins, Etc., And/Or, Australian Silver Bars, Etc., As Me, My, Self, 777Henri Virtanen, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Chooses, Etc., And Whatever Called, Silver Markets, Etc., Can Offer, Etc.,

4/a1f- For Any, Etc., And All, Etc. Whatever Called,, Refused, Etc., Not Been Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., Whatever Called, Requested/Demands, Etc.,

4/a1g- And Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc.,

4/a1h- That Of Course, Etc., Also Included, All, Etc., Of Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, All, Etc., Earlier, Etc., Under All, Etc., Of This, Staggering, Etc., So Far, About 27 Years, Today 35 Years, Mailed, As International Express Post, Etc.,

And/Or, Faxed, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Media’s, Etc., Used/Using, Etc.,

4/a1i- And All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Coming, Etc., If Needed, Etc., International Express, Etc., Letter(s), Etc.,

4/a1j- And Coming, Etc., If Needed, Etc., Very Big, Etc., Numbers, Etc., Of E-Mail’s, Etc.,

4/a1k- And Coming, Etc., If Needed, Etc., All, Etc., Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc. Whatever Called,, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., With Enourmus Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.,

4/a1ll- And Also, Included, Etc., In This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And

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Blood, Man’s, International Express Letter(s), Etc., And/Or Very Big, Etc., Numbers, Etc., If Needed, Etc., Of E-Mail’s, Etc., To Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of All, Etc., Members/Ledamoter, Etc., Of Swedish Parliament House/Riksdagen, Etc.,

4/a1m- And To Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs, Whatever Called, Authorities, Etc.,

4/a1n- And Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever, Etc., Numbers, Etc., Of Whatever Called, Parties, Etc.,

4/a1o- Will Always, Etc., Be Paid, Etc., 100% In Full, Etc., By All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., And Whatever Called, Parties, Etc.,

4/a1p- See/Read, Etc., All, Etc., Details, Etc., Above And Below,

4/a1q- And See/Read, Etc., All, Etc., Details, Etc., In My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, That Already, Etc., Been Mailed, Etc., To You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Under, Etc., All, Etc., This Staggering, Etc., So Far, About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of International Express Letter(s), Etc., And Whatever Called, Letters, Etc.,

4/a1r- And Also, See/Read, Etc., All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Self Executing/Self Executed, Etc., Whatever Called, Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc.,That Also, Already Been Mailed, Etc., To You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Under Staggering, Etc., So Far, About 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, That Now Become, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Very Big, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., Scandals, Etc.,

4/a1s- And Of Course, Etc., Including, Etc., But Not Limited To, All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Earlier, Etc., Letters, Etc., Faxes, Etc., E-Mail’s, Etc., And Using, Etc., Whatever Called, Other Media’s, Etc.,

4/a1t- And If Necessary, Etc., Whatever, Etc., Coming, Etc., Numbers, Etc., If Needed, Etc., Of International Express, Etc., Letter(s) Etc.,

4/a1u- And Very Big, Etc., Numbers, Etc., If Needed, Etc., Of E-Mail’s, Etc., And/Or Using, Etc., Whatever, Etc., Media’s, Etc., That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh,

And Blood, Man’s, Including, Etc., But Not Limited To, International Express Letter(s), Etc., And/Or Very Big, Etc., Numbers, Etc., If Needed, Etc., Of E-Mail’s, Etc., See Fit, Etc.,

This Paragraph Number 4/a1u- Continues, After This New Added, Etc., Below Section,

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a/ New Added, Etc., Top Important Information, Etc.,

b/ For You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc., To Also Read, Etc., 10 Times, Etc., And Then, Take 100% Immidiate, Etc., Actions, Etc.,

1/ To Whatever Called, ReInstate, Etc.,

1/a- And Whatever Called, Back Pay, Etc.,

1/a1- For Each And Everyone, Etc., Of All About 7 Years,

1/a1a- Not Whatever Called, Payed, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Swedish Age Pension, Etc.,

2/ And Ones, For All, Etc., Whatever Called, Settle, Etc.,

2/a- With 100% Full Whatever Called, Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensations, Etc.,

2/a1- For Any And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Requsted/Demanded, Etc., For Whatever Called, Approved, Etc., By You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc.,

2/a1a- For My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, 2 Working Injuries, Etc.,

2/a1b- To My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, 100% Whatever Called, Satifaction, Etc.,


2/a1c- That This Is My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In

Flesh, And Blood, Man‘s, ReNew Application, Etc., To ReInstating, Etc., My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man‘s Swedish, Old Age Pension,

2/a1d- That This Also, At This Same Time, Is My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living,

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Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man‘s, Requests, Etc., And Demands, Etc.,

b/ To Ones For All Whatever Called, Settle, Etc.,

2/a1e- This Still Ongoing, Whatever Called, Never Ending, Etc., Many Big Hells, Etc., And Many Small Hells, Etc.,

2/a1b- With Including, But Not Limited To, Whatever Called, Distroyed/Ruined, Etc., Whatever Called, Physical, Etc., And Whatever Called, Physological/Mental, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc.,

2/a1c- And Whatever Called, Ruined Economy, Etc., And Whatever Called, Ruined, Life, Etc.,

2/a1d- My Name Whatever Called, Changes, Etc., Is Claerified, Soecial Section Below,

2/a1e- (At That Time), My Earthly Name Was Heikki Verneri Juhanni Alm©

2/a1f- When Had This 1+1 = 2 Working Injuries, Etc.,

2/a1g- That Been Whatever Called, Aproved, Etc., By You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc.,

2/a1h- But Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have Not Whatever Called, Recieved, Etc., 1 Ore/Cent, Etc.,

2/a1i- For My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, 2:nd (Second) Whatever Called, Working Injury, Etc.,

/2/a1ej That Is Getting Whatever Called, Worse, Etc., For Every Ongoing, Etc., Year Etc.,

2/a1k- That Been Whatever Called, Approved, Etc., By You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc.,

2/a1l- Of This, My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, 2:nd (Second), Working Injury, Etc.,

2/a1m- Including, But Not Limited To, Whatever Called, Hands, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1n- And Whatever Called, Thumbs, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1q- And Whatever Called, Fingers, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1r- And Whatever Called, Under Arms, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1s- And Any And All, Etc., Other Whatever Called, Associated, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc.,

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Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1t- Including, But Not Limited To, Whatever Called, Physical, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1u-And Also Whatever Called, Physological/Mental, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a1v- Especially My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Very Bad, Etc., Whatever Called, Self Confidents, Etc.,

2/a2a- And Especially Of Course, How You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc., Are Going To 100% Whatever Called, Economical, Etc., Whatever Called, Compensate, Etc., Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, For Only Whatever Called, Getting 4 Hours Of Sleep/Week, Etc., For 16 years, Etc.,

2/a2b-That Also Of Course Whatever Called, Destroys/Contributs, Etc., To My 777Henri Virtanen’s©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Very Bad Whatever Called, Self Confidents, Etc.,

2/a2c- My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Hands, Etc., And Whatever Called, Thumbs, Etc., And Whatever Called, Fingers, Etc., And Whatever Called, Under Arms, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc.,Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a12d- Are Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Cold, Etc., All Year, But Even Lot Whatever Called, Colder, Etc.,

2/a2f- When Whatever Called, Temparture Are 16 Celcius And Below, Then Lost All, Etc., Whatever Called, Feelings, Etc., And Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, DisComfort, Etc., And Whatever Called, Ice Cold, Etc., In Both My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Hands, Etc., 24/7/365,

2/a2g-And Again, Have Whatever Called, Lost “All” Whatever Called, Feelings, Etc., Whatever Called, Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Dicomfort, Etc., And Be Whatever Called, Painful Or Very Whatever Called, Painful, Etc., Especially, Etc., When Whatever Called, Temperature Is 16C Or Bolow, Etc.,

2/a2h-And All, Etc., This Is You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc., Including, But Not Limited To, Everyone, Etc., And Everything, Etc., In All, Etc., Past, Etc., Present, Etc., And Indeffinetly, Etc., Into Our Whatever Called, Future Times, Etc., In All, Etc., Of My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Documentatios, Etc., That You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doears, Etc., Are Of Course 100%

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Whatever Called, Responcable, Etc., For,

2/a3a- Very Important, Etc., Concerning, Etc., All, Etc., My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc., Above And Below,

2/a3b- All, Etc., Of My Hands, Etc., Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc., Are Whatever Called, Permanent, Etc., For Whatever Called, Life, Etc., And Whatever Called, Getting, Etc., Worse, Etc., Year By Year, Etc.,

2/a3c- And Also All, Etc., Of My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Double Fractured, Etc., Left Whatever Called, Color Bone, Etc., Whatever Called, Permanent, Etc., And Ongoing, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a3d- With Whatever Called, Refused, Etc., Whatever Called, Operation, Etc., In Sweden,

2/a3e- With About 5 Years, That This Left Whatever Called, Color Bone, Etc., Tried, Etc., To Whatever Called, Heal, Etc., It Selves, Etc.,

2/a3f- Have Whatever Called, Caused, Etc., An Other Whatever Called, Permanent, Etc., Much More Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc. Whatever Called,, Problems, Etc.,

2/a3g- It Is Called, Very Whatever Called, Brittle Bones, Etc., In Whole Body, That Includes, Etc., Any And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Bones, Etc.,

2/a3h- That Can Whatever Called, Breake/Fracture, Etc., At Any Time, Etc., For No Whatever Called, Reason, Etc.,

2/a3i- 1992 This 2 Whatever Called, Surgents/Docrors, Etc., That Did Whatever Called, Operated, Told Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Have To Be Very Whatever Called, Carefull, Etc., With Whatever Called, Movements, Etc., And Not Whatever Called, Lifting, Etc., Any Whatever Called, Heavy Things, Etc.,

2/a3j- This 2 Whatever Called, Surgons/Doctors Said, Etc., That If Normal, Etc., Bone Is 100%, Then My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Left Double Whatever Called, Fraktured, Etc., Whatever Called, Color Bone, Etc., Was just 40% Of Normal, Etc., Strenght, Etc.,

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2/a3k- So After 5 Years, Of This Left Double Whatever Called, Fractured, Etc., Whatever Called, Color, Etc., Whatever Called, Bone, Etc., Traid, Etc., To Whatever Called, Healt, Etc., It Whatever Called, Selves,

2/a3l- Did Take Lots Of Whatever Called, Extra Calcium, Etc., Out Of All, Etc., Of My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Body, Etc., Whatever Called, Bones, Etc.,

2/a3m- That Whatever Called, Resulted, Etc., In Very Whatever Called, Brittle, Etc., Whatever Called, Bones, Etc., For Life, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc.,

2/a3n- This Very Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc., Are Whatever Called, Permanent, Etc., And Are Whatever Called, Getting, Etc., Whatever Called, Worse, Etc., Year By Year, Etc.,

2/a3o-Yes, We Have Done Whatever Called, Brittle Bone, Etc., Whatever Called, Test, Etc., Here In Australia,

2/a3p- And Yes, This My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Brittle, Etc., Whatever Called, Bones, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Whatever Called, Problems, Etc., Have Gone, Whatever Called, Even Worse, Etc.,


2/a3q- That You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Wrong Doers, Etc., Including, But Not Limited To, Whatever Called, Governments, Etc., All, Etc., Gov. And Shadow Gov. And All 349 Riksdagen, (Federal Parliament House) Members, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Staff Members From July 1987 To Today 29 Of May 2022,

2/a3r- Whatever Called, Authoroties, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Staff Members From July 1987 To Today 29 Of May 2022,

2/a3s- Whatever Called, Agencies, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Staff Members From July 1987 To Today 29 Of May 2022,

2/a3t- Whatever Called, Farsakring Kassan, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Staff Members From July

1987 To Today 29 Of May 2022,

2/a3u- Whatever Called, A.M.F. (Arbets Marknad Forsakringar – Trygghet Forsakringar, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Staff Members From July 1987 To Today 29 Of May 2022,

2/a3v- Whatever Called, Fortroende Namden, Etc., And All, Etc., Of Theirs Ledamoters, Etc., From July 1987 To Today 29 Of May 2022,

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2/a3w- And Each And Everyone Else, That This Concerns, Etc.,

/ That You All, Etc. Whatever Called,, Approved, Etc.,

2/a3x- And All, Etc., Whatever Number Of Whatever Called, Involved, Etc., 3:rd Parties, Etc.,

2/a3y- From Both Public, Etc., And Private, Etc., Sector, Etc.,

2/a3z- But Not Yet, After So Far 35 Years, Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hells, Etc.,

That You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., Are 100% Responcable, Etc., For,

2/a3z1- Not Yet, Been Whatever Called, Settled/ Paid, Etc., And Whatever Called, Paid 100% In Full,

To Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen© 100% Whatever Called, Satisfactions, Etc.,

2/a3z2- And Also, Of Course, All, Etc., Of My 777Henri Virtanen© Whatever Called, Defaults/Contracts/Agreements/Bills, Etc., (Read Paragraph 4, And Above And Below, For More Details, Etc.,),

2/a3z3- Please Notice, All This, Big Number Of Whatever Called, Payments, Etc.,

2/a3z4- Have Not Yet, Today 2 Of June 2022 Been Whatever Called, Paid 100% In Full, At All,


3/a1a- Here Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,

3/a1b- Named Is Clearified/Explained = At Birth, (Earthly Name), = Heikki Verneri Juhanni Virtanen©,

3/a1c- When Mother Merriaged, Changed To Heikki Verneri Juhanni Alm©,

3/a1d-When 1989 Emmigrated To Australia, Change Back To Heikki Verneri Juhanni Virtanen© (To Honour My Mother),

3/a1e- Very Few, In Australia, Could Pronounse, Etc., My Earthly Name, Heikki Verneri Juhanni

Virtanen, Correct, Etc.,

3/a1f- And/Or In Writing, Spell, Etc., This My Earthly Name Heikki Verneri Juhanni Virtanen, Correct, Etc.,

3/a1g- Therfor Changed To (Henri Virtanen©), As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man,

3/a1h- And Now Always Use 777Henri Virtanen©,

3/a1i- At Least, In All, Etc., Whatever Called, “Legal” Documentations, Etc.,

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3/a1j- Be Course, There Are Many With This Earthly Name, Henri Virtanen, On This, Our Shared Planet Earth, (Just On Facebook There Is Over 80 With Earthly Name, Henri Virtanen),

3/a1k- This Earthly Name, Henri Virtanen© As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, “Person” Number Was, And Still Is In Sweden, Today 29 Of May 2022 = 1949-1203-1251.


4/a2- And That Has Been, Etc., Put In Place, Etc., And Are Also, On Public, Etc., Record, Etc., By/When Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Filed, Etc., This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, According, Etc., To, Whatever Called, Common Laws, Etc., Uniform Commercial Code 1 – Financial Statement, Etc., With All, Etc., Other Whatever Called, Necessary, Etc., Whatever Called,, Documentations, Etc., Included, Etc., At Whatever Called, Unifor Commercial Code Filing Office, At Washington D.C., In January, And/Or, February 2011,

4/a2a- And This, Has Also Been, Etc., Whatever Called, Put In Place, Etc., And Are Also On Whatever Called, Public, Etc., Record, Etc., By/When Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Whatever Called, Filed, Etc., This My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, According, Etc., To New World Orders, Etc., Of All There Own Whatever Called, Laws, Etc., Acts, Etc., Rules, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Legislations, Etc.,, Uniform Commercial Code 1 – Financial Statement, Etc., With All, Etc., Other Necessary, Etc., Whatever Called,, Documentations, Etc., Included, At Uniform Commercial Code Filing Office, At Washington D.C., In January, And/Or, February 2011,

4/a2b- This Is, Our, Etc., On, Planet Earth, Etc., Only, Etc., Unbreakable, Etc., Whatever Called,

Contract/Agreements/Bills, Etc., And/Or Whatever Called, Etc., Contract/Agreements/Bills, Etc.,

4/a2c- And Also Always, Etc. Whatever Called,, Applies, Etc., To Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc.,

4/a2d- And Also, Etc., Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Applies, Etc., To Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Whatever Called, Numbers, Etc., Of Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Parties, Etc., At Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Levels, Etc., Of Governments,/Authoroties/Agencies/#:rd Parties, Etc.,

4/a2e- That Been Involved, Etc., In This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And

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Blood, Man’s, Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., 2 Working, Etc., Injuries, Etc., For Staggering, Etc., About, So Far, Etc., 27 Years, Today Staggering 35 Years, Of, Big Numbers, Etc., Of Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hell’s, Etc.,

4/a2f- With Still, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Very Serious, Etc., And Serious, Etc., Whatever Called, Health, Etc., Problems, Etc.,

4/a2g- And With/That Still, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Very Severe, Etc., And Severe, Etc., Whatever Called, Completely, Etc., Unnecessary, Etc., Traumas, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Traumas, Etc.,

4/a2h- And, With/That Still, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Very Severe, Etc., And Severe, Etc., Whatever Called, Completely, Etc., Unnecessary, Etc., Distress, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Distress, Etc.,

4/a2i- And With/That, Still, Etc., Caused, Etc., And Still, Etc., Are Causing, Etc., Very Severe, Etc., And Severe, Etc., Whatever Called, Completely, Etc., Unnecessary, Etc., Sufferings, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, Suffering, Etc.,

4/a2j- For More Details, Etc., Read, Etc., All, Etc., Above And Below, Etc., Again, Etc.,

4/a2k- And Also, Read, Etc., All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s Whatever Called, Own Writen Whatever Called, Documentations, Etc., And/Or, Whatever Called, All Other Involved, Etc., Whatever Called, Documentations, Etc., That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Mailed, Etc., Faxed, Etc.,

4/a2l- To Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of, You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Wrong Doers, Etc., In This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Still, Etc., Ongoing, Etc., 2 Working, Etc., Injuries, Etc., Very Big Numbers, Etc., Of Very Big, Etc., Scandals, Etc.,

4/a2m- For Staggering, Etc., About So Far, Etc., 27 Years, Today 35 Years, Of, Big Numbers, Etc., Of Big Hells, Etc., And Small Hell’s, Etc.,

4/a2n And All, Etc., Of This, Etc., Always, Etc., Whatever Called, Applies, Etc., To Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Living, Etc., And/Or, Working, Etc., And/Or, Doing, Etc., Whatever Called, Business, Etc., Here, Etc., On Our, Etc., Shared, Etc., By Everyone, Etc., Of Us All, Etc., Whatever Called, Men, Etc., And Women, Etc., And Boys, Etc., And Girls, Etc., Of All Ages, Etc., And/Or Whatever Called, People, Etc., On This Etc., Shared, Etc., By All, Etc., On This Our, Etc., Planet Earth, Etc.,

4/a2o- And Thereafter, It Double, And Double, And Double, And Double, Etc., Double, Etc., And Double, Etc., Again, Etc., Page 32 Of (37)

4/a2p- For Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of Further, Etc., Refused, Not Whatever Called, Paid, Etc., All, Etc., Of This, My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Earlier, Etc., Already, Etc., Mailed, Etc., To You All, Etc., Whatever Called, Bills, Etc., And Of Course, All, Etc., Included Whatever Called, Bill(s), Etc., In This, My 777Henri Virtanen’s©, As living, Breathing, In Flash And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Application(s), Etc., For Swedish Old Age Pension, Etc., Whatever Called, Application(s), Etc., Number 2, Whatever Called, ReInstated, Etc., As Instructed, Etc., Above And Below, And/Or Other, Etc., Wrong-Doings, Etc.,

4/a2q- Please Notice, If All, Etc., Of My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Earlier/Today’s/ Coming, Etc., Whatever Called, Bill(s), Etc., Not Been Whatever Called, Paid, Etc., 100 % In Full, Etc., As Instructed, Etc., Then Each, Etc., And Everyone, Etc., Of You All, Etc., Involved, Etc., Have Defaulted, Etc., For Details, Read, Etc., Whole, Etc., Paragraph 4, And Also Above And Below,

4/a2r- In Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Shape(s), Etc., And/Or Form(s), Etc., Whatsoever, Etc.,

4/a2s- And This Double, And Double, And Double, And Double, And Double, And Double, Etc., Again, Etc.,

4/a2t- And This, Goes On, Etc., Whatever Called, Indefinitely, Etc., Into, Etc., Our, Etc., Future, Etc.,

4/a2u- And Please Notice, There Is, Etc., No Upper, Etc., Whatever Called, Maximum, Etc., Whatever Called, Default(s), Etc., Whatever Called, Payment(s), Etc., Amount/Level(s), Etc., At All, Etc.,

4/a2sv- And Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Default(s), Etc., Whatever Called, Payments, Etc., Is Whatever Called, Paid, Etc., And Shared, Etc., By Everyone, Etc.,

4/a2w- Direct, Etc., And/Or Indirect, Etc., And/Or By Whatever Called, Proxy, Etc., Involved, Etc., For Details, Etc., See/Read, Etc., This Whole, Etc., Paragraph 4, And Also Above And Below, 4/a2fx- In Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Shape(s), Etc., And/Or Form(s), Etc., Whatsoever, Etc., For Details, Etc., Read/See, Etc., This Whole, Etc., Paragraph 4, And Also Above And Below,

4/a3- That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, As Whatever Called, Author, Etc., And Whatever Called, Creator, Etc., Whatever Called, Befinisiary, Etc., Whatever Called, Creditor, Etc., Of All, Etc., Above And Below, Hereby, On My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Own, Etc., Whatever Called, Common Law(s), Etc. Whatever Called,, Copyrighted, Etc., Everything, Etc., Behalf, Above And Below, In Writing States, Etc.,

4/a4- And That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Also Hereby, On My, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Own, Etc., Behalf, In Writing States, Etc.,

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4/a4a- In Whatever Called, Common Law(s), Etc., Whatever Called, Jurisdiction, In Writing States, Etc.,

4/a4b- All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, Uniform Commercial Code 1-207/308, And All Its Subs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, (That Are Applicable),

4/a4c- And All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, Uniform Commercial Code 1-103, And All Its Subs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, (That Are Applicable),

4/a4b- And Also, All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-207/308, And All Its Subs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, (That Are Applicable),

4/a4c- And Also, All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-103, And All Its Subs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, (That Are Applicable),

4/a4d- Have, UCC 1-207, And All Its Subs. (Been Replaced?, By?), All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308, (Not?, In Force?),

4/a4e- And Also, At This, Same Time, Etc., Signing, Etc., In Whatever Called, New World Orders, Etc., Whatever Called, Jurisdiction, Etc.,

4/a4f- On Behalf Of This, Including, But Not Limited To Whatever Called, Corporation, Etc., And Whatever Called, Strawman, Etc., And Whatever Called, Legal Fiction, Etc., And Whatever Called, Legal Entity, Etc., That Are Man Made, Etc., Trust Fund, Etc., Named, Etc., Henri Virtanen©, (777Henri Virtanen©), This Trust Fund, Was Set Up, By Using, My 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man’s, Whatever Called, Orginal Birth Certificate, Just After Birth,

4/a4g- And That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Always, Etc., Are Signing, Etc., As Whatever Called, Authorised Representative, And Whatever Called, As Executor, And As Whatever Called, Beneficiary, Etc., And As Creditor, Etc., For Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever

Called, Abbreviations, Etc., Of This Said, Etc., Man Made, Etc., Trust Fund, Etc., Named, Etc., Henri Virtanen©, (777Henri Virtanen©), In Writing, States, Etc.,

4/a4h- All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-207/308, And All Its Subs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, (That Are Applicable),

4/a4i- And All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-103, And All Its Subs. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, (That Are Applicable),

4/a4j- Have UCC 1-207, And All Its Subs., (Been Replaced?, By?), All Rights Reserved, Without Prejudice, UCC 1-308, (Not?, In Force?),

4/a4k- Dated Tenth Of June Of Our Lord Year Two Thusand And Twenty Two,, 777Henri Virtanen©,

4/a4l- And Also, On Behalf Of Henri Virtanen©, Common Law(s), Copyrighted, By 777Henri Virtanen,

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4/a4m- Signing, Etc., As Authorised Representative, And As Executor, Etc., And As Beneficiary, Etc., And Credotor, Etc., For Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Abbreviations, Etc., Of This Said, Etc., Man Made, Etc., Trust Fund, Etc ., Named, Etc., Henri Virtanen©, Etc., (777Henri Virtanen©),

4/a4n- (According To Information On Internet, All Later Amendments, To This “Secret” Law(s), Uniform Commercial Code,

4/a4o- Are Never In Force, First Oldest Article(s), Paragraph(s), Sub., And, Sub. Sub., Etc., Article(s), Paragraph(s), Are Always In Force),

4/a5- And That Me, My Self, 777Henri Virtanen©, As Living, Breathing, In Flesh, And Blood, Man, Also Signing As Whatever Called, Authorised Representative, Etc.,

4/a5a- For Any, Etc., And All, Etc., Whatever Called, Abbreviations, Etc., Of This Said, Etc., Man Made, Etc., Trust Fund, Etc., Named, Etc., Henri Virtanen©, Etc., (777Henri Virtanen©),

4/a5b- And Also Signing, Etc., As Whatever Called, Executor, Etc., And Whatever Called, Beneficiary,